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Finally, we arrive at the destination and it's an anti-climax. Just another street of terraced houses and overgrown front yards.

"Where are we?" I ask her.

"We're just going to chill at a mate's house," she replies coyly.

"Which mate?" I ask suspiciously.

"Wait and see," she teases.

We get to the front steps and I can hear house music playing loudly from inside.

"Is it a party?" I ask.

"Emily! Just wait and see, jheeze!"

She bangs loudly on the door.

"It's open!" a familiar voice calls out from inside.

"Wait, I know that voice," I say as I recognise Serumen's voice, "Is this Serumen's house?"

"Yes," she says rolling her eyes.

My heart starts to thump hard as the possibility of seeing Aiden looms over me. I start to back away, but Nicole grabs my arm and stops me.

"I just thought that after that awkward convo you had with my friends last time, you would say no if I told you that this is where we were going. They're super nice once they get used to you. Trust me!" she pleads.

"I, I don't know. I don't think this is a good idea," I shake my head.

Anxiety starts to build up in the pit of my stomach.

"Why not? Come on, they're really cool. Don't be a whimp!"

Deaf to my protests, she throws the door open and hauls me inside with her. I turn to leave but she quickly steps in front of the door.

"You're here now come on. Let's have a good night. Don't be boring," she sighs.

"Fine," I say through gritted teeth.

I turn back towards the house and come face to face with Aiden and Luke. They seem to have been mid-laughter, but Aiden's smile quickly fades into a serious frown. On the other hand, Luke's smile broadens as he scans me up and down.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in," Luke teases.

"Close your fucking mouth before you catch a fly," Nicole rolls her eyes at her brother.

I follow Luke's eyes to my bosom and quickly fold my arms over my chest again. When I look back up, Aiden's frown is more intense but still, he doesn't say a word to me.

"Anyways, let's go Emmy," Nicole urges.

She leads me towards the living room where the blaring music is almost deafening. I catch a whiff of Aiden's cologne as I pass him, and it reminds me of being in his arms. The pain in my heart feels almost tangible enough to make me cry.

'Get it together Emily,' I think continually to myself.

We strut into the living room where the rest of the group are casually sitting, chatting and smoking.

"Oh wow! Look who's made an appearance!" Serumen, who is the first to spot us, exclaims.

Kitty and Mia who were chatting and looking at their phones see us next and finally Lace who had been blissfully releasing smoke into the air.

"Looking good ladies. Welcome. Have a seat!" Serumen continues, gesturing towards free sofa spaces.

"Cheers mate! So, what are we having for dinner?" Nicole says staring excitedly at the range of drugs on the coffee table.

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