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She looks up and our eyes meet and for a moment, there is just me and her in the room.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I can come back," she stutters finally, looking back and forth at me and Serumen.

"That's ok. You can stay," I say plainly trying not to betray how much I wanted her to stay.

There is an awkward silence before Serumen clears his throat.

"Emily, this is Serumen. Serumen, Emily," I introduce them against my will.

"What up?" Serumen nods her way.

"Hi, I'm Emily," she says with a sweet smile, "Serumen? Like the earwax?"

"What?" Serumen asks, confused.

"Don't bother Emily, he won't know what you mean," I chip in.

"Oh, ok," she blushes.

Another awkward silence. What the fuck is wrong with Serumen? He should have read the room and fucked off a long time ago.

"So, Emily, I almost didn't recognise you. You look great," he says eyeing her up and down.

Huh? What the fuck is going on here? Is he pissed or something?

"Really? Errm, thanks," she blushes again and starts fiddling with her skirt, "I wasn't too sure about the outfit."

She looks up at directly at him with a smile. Is she avoiding looking at me? She seems comfortable with Serumen. I start to get pissed off.

"Really? It suits you. You look sexy," Serumen grins.

I'm going to knock him the fuck out. Emily goes to speak but I interrupt her.

"Weren't you just going?" I say to Serumen through gritted teeth.

He looks at me and I shoot him a warning look. His eyes widen when he gets what I mean.

"Yeah, I was actually. I just came to get a beer," he says quickly as he grabs his beer from behind him on the kitchen counter.

He walks towards the door and Emily steps aside for him. But instead of walking past her, he stops right in front of her.

"See you around Emily," I hear him say.

He won't see anything ever again if he keeps making passes at her like this. I might need to have a word with this geezer. When he finally leaves, it's a bit awkward. Emily looks down at her feet and I'm not sure what to say next.

"Did you need something?" I say frankly.

Shit, that came out a bit too blunt. When she looks up at me, she's not smiling like she was before. I feel slightly irritated with myself. I have to make this right.

"Yeah, just some snacks for me and Nicole," she replies.

"I'll help," I offer.

I go to the fridge as she shuffles in and starts looking through the cupboards. The fridge has fuck all in it but I'm good at improvising. I take out a tub of margarine and some cheese slices.

"Is there any bread?" I ask.

"Errm," she begins as she stands of her tiptoes to check the top shelves.

Her back arches and her ass sticks out. I can't help but take a peek. She drops back onto the soles of her feet and I quickly turn around, so she doesn't catch me checking her out. I hear her open some more cupboards and then a bread bin.

"I've found some. What are you making?" she asks when she comes closer to me with the bread and sees my ingredients from the fridge.

"Well, they have fuck all in the fridge. So, I thought I'd make you guys some cheese toasties," I reply turning to look at her beside me as I take the bread from her hands.

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