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The first thing I saw was her lips. Slightly parted as she sighed and felt the cool summer breeze on her face. Her long, curly brunette hair blew gently against her rosy cheeks. She opened her eyes and they were the most striking blue. She looked sweet and innocent. I hadn't seen her around before. I knew most people in this neighbourhood and I definitely would have recognised her. Clearly embarrassed, she quickly leant back against her seat and all I could see was her chest rising and falling in rapid succession. The blonde woman in the front passenger seat turned around to look at her then back around and looked directly at me. I assumed that was her mother. They had the same small button nose and crystal blue eyes. She was the image of her mother except for the obvious difference in age. Her mother looked at me with her nose scrunched up in disgust so I frowned at her. Typical, old uppity bitch. Startled by my reaction, she pulled down her visor and started nervously fixing her hair in the mirror. She was clearly making a snide comment about me but made sure not to move her lips too much. The girl slowly leant forward to glance at me but her eyes suddenly widened and she sat back abruptly and wound her window up. What the fuck? What was wrong with these people? Then I realised that someone was coming out of the takeaway. A whiff of grease and fried food hit me as man in a sharp suit strode out carrying a plastic bag of takeaway boxes. He walked briskly and confidently to the Jag as he heaved his arm up to check the time on his Rolex. He opened the passenger door and dropped the bag onto the woman's lap then hurried to the driver seat. I watched him start the car and felt resentment. They represented everything that I hated about rich, snobby wankers. And yet, when the girl turned back to look at me as the car drove off, I couldn't stop looking back at her.

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