Chapter 57: No regrets

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"I want you back, am I asking too much?"

Listening to Sting's determined claim, Yukino felt conflicted, hesitate to reply. Yukino love Sabertooth, the strong mage guild and warm environment that they give out. She admired the strong mages, Sting and Rouge are one of them. Yet her admiration dropped, when she need to remove her stigma after a week of joining. She tried to keep up the expectations that were put into her, but failed to make it. She was embarrassed, ashamed and mostly saddens that she was not qualified to be in the guild. She feel out of place even now in the ballroom.

"Of course it's too much! It's so absurd that I could laugh out loud!"


As Yukino hesitate to reply Sting's claim, Kugura walked up with a drunken expression. With her arms on waist, she arrogantly proclaimed her rights towards Yukino.

"She's part of Mermaid heel now!! I will not stand for objections! I won and her life belongs to me!"

"Go home already, you drunker!"

"Shut up! Yukino is mine!!"

And here started the battle of recruiting Yukino to their own guilds.

Under the white veil, Jamie smirked at the chaotic scene while minvera stood beside her sighing in annoyance.

"Gosh, they are really causing trouble again."

"But isn't this what great about the Fairy Tail, always filled with energy."

Jura appeared beside Minerva greeting with a nod. Minvera and Jura were in good terms when it comes to relationship wise. They both are physically really strong and their fighting desire have clash into a few serious sparrs whenever they meet. They soon admitted each other strength and often shares their thoughts on battle skills whenever they have time.

"Long time no see, Minvera-dono. How have been these days?"

Lifting her hair twirling with her fingers, Minvera don't really mind the strong presence of this elite mage and causally replied his questions.

"Nothing special. But I do say that there a special someone here tonight."

Jura tilted his head in questioning while Minvera ignored his question with a whirling her glass. At the corner of her eye, she saw her dear leader's unfocused eye Smiling devilishly, she looked at her guild master.

"Is our dear lady mesmerise by a certain gentleman?"

Jamie flinch when she heard the question and blushes in to deeper red. She still vividly remember the scene in the balcony. The sweet talking and passionate kisses.

Gosh I got side tracked again.

Jura whose beside Minerva turned to the incoming woman with white veil.

Is this someone that Minvera-dono know?

Jura innocently greeted her with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jura from Lamia Scale. May I know your name, miss?"

"Oh uhm. Long time no see, Jura."

As she was planning to pull up her veil, Minerva spoke up.

"Jamie, it's better not to pull down the veil, but if you are want to show us about the mark you have just made earlier, then that will be another case."

Jamie immediately pull down her veil covering the vivid red marks on her neck. She didn't notices Laxus have make marking on her neck and innocently showing his work to the public.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2022 ⏰

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