Chapter 45: Encounter with a cat

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"Look they are coming in!"

The colostrum is filled with excitement, cheering for the entering participant for the final battle. When Sabertooth entered, the crowd was comparatively quiet, whispering among each other, feeling that the atmosphere around the representatives is somehow different. A woman with a hood hugging a certain exceed with a blue hood watching them entered the stage. The exceed was rather depressed when he saw a certain blond-haired mage's expression. He knew that Sting will be disconsolate due to their separation, yet he had promised Jamie not to appear in front of them until the end of the match.

It's for Sting-kun not to be distracted by me. Sorry, Sting-kun. I will be cheering for you even if you don't see me.

Jamie who watches Lector's expression changes let out a weary smile. Brushing Lector's head with one hand while cuddling him with the other, she softly whispered.

"Let's greet them with a smile after the match."

Lector looked up with his teary eyes, sadness  were leaking out from his heart. He was greeted with a weary smile which then replaced with a grin with her eyes closed, brightening up the atmosphere.

"Remember a big smile, Lector."

Lector was snuffed out his tears and quickly responded with a grin along with a salute towards his guild master.

"Hai, Jamie-san!"


"Tch, so at end I still lost."

The woman who was known as one of the strongest mages in her guild weary grinned in defeat. Minerva and Erza fought frenetically, using all their strength fighting against each other. Along with Minerva's acting, she had perceive as the ultimate antagonist had been defeated, left alone from the destroyed ruins. Exhausted, Minerva closed her eyes, attempted to take a rest before moving away. Yet she senses her earring, specially the purple lacrima vibrated a bit, responding the magic current from its other pair. She the recognised a certain magic presence, a familiar presence. Minerva tiredly smirked.

"Well then, why are you still hiding? Are you coming out?"

"You've caught me, Minerva. I was about to sneak up on you."

"You didn't even attempt to hide your presence."

A woman appeared behind one of the destroyed column, holding a certain unconscious exceed in her hands. She let her hood down revealing her appearance. Purple curly haired with a straight fringe cupped her face perfectly as she slowly revealed her crystal blue eyes. Millianna who was knocked out unconscious woken up with her wounds opening up at her back from Minerva's torture. She realized an unfamiliar woman standing in front of Minerva, the demonic woman that torture her for the sake of Ezra and Kugura battle against each other. She was trying to warn the woman about Minerva when she realised that they both know each other.

Don't tell me that she's also another sadist that love to torture people!

A shiver raised at her back as she tried to back away. Yet before she could safely escape from her hiding, the woman noticed her. She approached her with a certain liquid floating on her hands, while Millianna squeaked back into the ruined ruins. She has used all her magic towards Minerva in the previous match, plus if both of them suddenly attacked her, she doubt that she will be able to defend herself properly. When the woman stood in front of her, she squeak further back with her arms covered herself, unconsciously trying to cover herself from the upcoming unknown assault. However, contradicting from her thinking, there's no attack, just gentle touches from her wounds.

Millianna then slowly reopen her eyes as her expression was filled with surprise. The woman kneeing in front of her gently smiled as the liquid in her hand slowly laid on top of her wounds, healing them with the special herbs that the woman personally brewed before the competition. The woman revealed her crystal blue eyes, kindly took her hand and apply the bandages that she brought with her.

"Sorry for our vice-guildmaster's action. It must been painful. Please turn around to let me heal you."

Millianna felt a sudden sprout of warmth within her heart, trusting the woman she turned around to show her wounds.

"Ugh, that's horrible. Minerva, do you even know the word 'control'!?"

"Can't blame me for that! You are the one that asked me to be the evil final boss character!"

Millianna was flabbergasted from the interaction between the two mage, especially from Minerva. Her former sadist, imperious and contemptuous attitude was replaced with a dependable, rational woman. She still have the pride within her, yet it was included with the elements of her friends and family.

"You can still have the choice of NOT CAUSING SO MUCH DAMAGE! Why do you have to torture a mage for the fight in between Ezra and Kugura!?"

"They are both powerful! How I can I fight both of them in the same time!!"

"So you use someone as a hostage? That's malicious, Minerva!"

"And that is suppose to be my character trait!"

The argument was too childish that cause Millianna to giggle. She didn't expect the dominating, aloof Minerva arguing with someone. While Minerva and the woman were arguing, the woman was healing Millianna's wounds. When Millianna's wounds were almost completely healed, the competition had finally ended. With Sting's declaration of defeat, Fairy Tail had become the champion of this year's Grand Magic Games. The woman turned to Millianna as she asked Millianna to do her a favour. The exceed was silently sleeping in one of her arms. A while ago, Lector had gotten to nervous about Sting that he almost rushed out to the colostrum, planning to head towards Sting's location. Jamie stopped him with a hand-chop, knocking Lector out of consciousness. Bringing Lector to Millianna's hand, Jamie asked her to bring this exceed to Sting and the rest of the Fairy Tail members.

"They probably wanted to see each other quickly, so can you please bring him to them. I need to stay behind to heal Minerva."

Millianna agreed as she quickly stood up with astonishment. She could feel all her energy was back as she thanked the mysterious woman. She wanted to repay the woman with the task given to her that she immediately took off. Before she walked away, she spurred her head around and asked about the woman's name. The woman smirked.

"Sabertooth's Nidame Master. Asked Sting about that and you will know. Oh! I almost forgot. Can you almost give Sting this message."

"Sure! And what is the message-nya?"

The woman held a bright smile on her face.

"Tadaima. And I will see you soon."

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