Chapter 21: Meeting an old friend whose lost seven years time

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Hey guys, I'm going to be a bit busy due to the opening programs of my university in U.K. Therefore, the updating schedule will be a bit looser than before. Sorry but I will keep the same schedule if I can. Enjoy this chapter!!

The Third person's POV

"Wait, You are Jamie? As in the boy with water magic?"

"Excuse you, my gender had not changed ever since I'm young." Lucy lowered her fighting stance and gasped at the girl in front of her. The girl, Jamie Quintana, whom all members had thought her as him, drastically changed as in appearance. Her childish and innocuous demeanor was no longer seen as it was replaced with the mature, benevolent yet with some sort of resolution and tiredness appearance. Despite the drastic change on appearance, there were features were similar to her youth self. With her unique features such as her crystal blue eyes, it's evident that the woman in front of Lucy is Jamie Quintana. The sound of the pot that boiled the water in the kitchen interrupted the awkward silence between the two girls. Jamie stood up from her sitting position, which is seiza, she walked towards the kitchen while Lucy sat there with  shock plastered on her face. She still couldn't get over the fact that the woman in front of her is the little boy who always play pranks at her. She started to feel the awkwardness to talk with the child who had grown so quickly.

7 years huh.... everything had already changed....

"Well, it's going to be a long talk, so I made tea for both of us. Want some?" With a genuine smile, Jamie walked out with a tray with tea set. Gently Jamie filled in the tea cups with red tea and placed it in front of Lucy. Lucy was mesmerised at her elegant gesture until she realised that Jamie broke into her room.

"Wait, how did you know that there's a tea set in the kitchen? And HOW CAN YOU GET IN HERE WITHOUT A KEY!?" Lucy nervously asked. Jamie slowly gulped down the tea to smoothen her nerves and spoke with her usual childish voice.

"Saa~ I wonder how. I might have stalked you for a while before I invaded this room?" Lucy shivered at her sudden change of tone, and sweat at the comment. Jamie watched Lucy's reaction with amusement.

"You. Couldn't you be the one that send sharp glance to me recently? Oh no, I know that I'm pretty doesn't mean that I want a stalker, especially a female?!-" Continued on Lucy's exaggerated speech, Jamie bursted out in loud laughter as her joke was taken too this extreme. After a few seconds, Lucy, who finally realised it's just a joke, blushed into shades of red, embarrassed about her constant blubbering.

"JAMIE!?" Laughters were heard until the walls were knocked on the other side of the walls. Lucy quickly apologised as Jamie wipped the invisible tear off her eyes.

"That was hilarious! I never knew you would take that joke to that extent!"

"It's not funny at all." Sighing to calm her flushed face, Lucy raised her eyebrows in realisations.

"At least that lessen the stress on how to start a conversation with me right?" Jamie smiled with a innocuous grin as Lucy realised that she had return to her original self. Jamie slipped the steamed red tea into her mouth and smiled.

"You don't need to be nervous on how to start a conversation with me. The fact that I'm Jamie Quintana, the same child who always play prank, doesn't change." After hearing Jamie's considering words, Lucy quickly loosen up as she also begin to drink the red tea that Jamie had made for her. She complimented on Jamie's skill and appearance, since her chest and bust had grown quite huge, plus her appearance changed quite a lot. They talked about the guild after the elite team had left for the S-class trial and random stuff until Lucy realised one suspicious thing.

"Wait, Why did you come to me first? If you are coming back to Fairy Tail, shouldn't you be meeting Laxus and the Thunder God Tribe?" Shivered as Lucy unconsciously hit the point, Jamie frozen up and then took a few breaths.

"F-For that, I could no long join Fairy Tail."

"HUH? Why?"

"I'm in another guild at the moment, more like I become the master of one." Jamie placed a wearily smile as she hold the heating tea cup. As Lucy widen her eyes in surprised, aghast that the 20 years old girl in front of her had become a master of a guild.

"WHAT!? You become a guild master? Which guild?!" Quickly questioned her woman with her hands slammed on to the table, Lucy lean forward as she persisted asked the hidden information of the strongest guild master. Jamie sweat-dropped at Lucy endless effort on finding out her secret identity.

"Supposedly I'm dead in paper, yet I'm also Jamie Krasinski, the master of Sabertooth."

"EH? The one that's currently Fiore number one Guild!? That's crazy!! You had become super strong but what do you mean death in papers?"

Jamie sighed and put on a wearily smile.

"Well. A lot of things had happened when you guys are gone."


"Laxus? Are you alright? You've been staring at the window for a while." Mira with her usual smile, served Laxus with a mug of beer. He silently thanked his childhood friend, and drank the liquid down to his throat, when his thought started to wandered to a certain black haired boyish girl, smirking with her hands behind her head.

"Nothing, just wondering how's Jamie." Mira raised an eyebrow and smiled brightly. She then hold out a towel to wipe the table.

"Properly she's doing fine."


"More over Jamie, I will be asking you how are you doing."


"Well, I mean despite we were locked inside Tenrojima for seven years, the others that weren't grow along the time. Last time, she's thirteen years old, but now she's in her twenties. Her appearance will definitely changed and attract some men around her-" a twitched on his eyebrow, Laxus' face turned a bit gloomier than before, while Mira, whose obviously having so much fun on teasing well-known as the cold-hearted dragon slayer Mage, have a smile with vivid dark sparkles around her.

"-I wonder if she already got a boyfriend and having fun with him everyday, maybe let her joined another guild-"

"Impossible." Constantly twitching his eyebrows on the certain word, the Laxus was slightly irritated at his guild mate's comment and immediately interrupted her with his hand hung tightly around his chest.

"I wouldn't allow her. She's belong to the Thunder God Tribe, which means she belongs to me. I wouldn't allow her to join another guild. Thanks for the beer." Displeasure, irritation and vexation was plastered on his face as a glare sent to Mira as if warning her from continuing that phrase. Without taking a second look, Laxus walked out of the guild, shouting out for his teammates to train with him and disappeared in the dusk. Meanwhile, another woman with an arm or and her red-haired signature walked into the guild with confusion. She turned to Mira, whose giggling at the retreated lighting dragon slayer, and asked for a piece of cake.

"Just now I saw Laxus, and he looks annoyed. Did something happened?"

"Sa~ I wonder~" Smirking delightfully, Mira took of a piece of cake from the firdge while secretly questioned in her mind.

I wonder if he's triggered by the word 'guild' or the word 'boyfriend'?

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