Chapter 27: The waitress in Sun Bar

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The Third person's POV

"It's already been three months...." a woman with her straighten black hair tied up into a ponytail smiled warmly, glancing to the bright sky. Bangers and decorations were tied at the side of the buildings to welcome the incoming mages. The Grand Magic Games, the largest event all over of the year. Visitors rushed through the gates of Crocus as the train station was populated with people. Mages infamous, overpowering guilds were welcomed vigorously with magnificent cheers and parties, and other non-famous ones were ignored. Yet for this woman, stood in the middle of the bar with a broom in his left hand, worry solely on her working time.

Oh no, I need to work overtime for tonight again.

Sighing at the tough working schedule, she continues her work starting with cleaning the tables and chairs, windows and doors, floors and walls; she cleaned every part of the bar, bounded with the weight named duties. It's her turn today yet she couldn't feel any energy left for her. She reminded herself that she still has a night duty tonight in here due to the times where the Grand Magic games start, nights will be filled people and it's the best time for booming the business. Therefore, nights during the Grand Magic Game, streets were illuminated with bars and store lights. Silently sighed as she walked out of the Bar and change the menu of the bar outside, a woman approached her from the back. She thought it's a customer and turned at the man with a benevolent smile.

"Sorry the bar is still not opened-"

"Long time no see." The woman with her usual black hair tied up into a bun put up a rare smile in comparison to her tired eyes. She had the signature coat with a certain symbol that caught the crowds attention. Sabertooth.

"I guess I haven't seen you for months. How's life here in Crocus?" The waitress replaced her shocked expression with a kind smile. She continued her work on the board menu as she answered the mysterious girl with a soft voice.

"It's not bad as I think it is. How was the guild?" She opened the shop door and allowing her to enter the empty bar. The structure of the bar is rather simple yet a sense of warmth that was created through the colors and the layer of the bar. The woman sat in on of the seats as the waiter smiled as a mug was lifted as a signal of asking the woman if she wanted a cup of beer.

"As you had expected, it had separated into two groups currently, Jamie." Jamie's eyes sharpened as she laid down the mug. The woman, Minerva Orland, was the sub-master of the famous Sabertooth, took a sip of the beer and let out a satisfied sigh. She stared at the previous master, the one she respected and continued the report.

"Due to the fact that I didn't accept the position as Master, we did an election in order to decide the new master and turned out the new master was Alban Frendment, Fathe-I meant that man's followers. He turned Sabertooth as if power is everything, while the four of us were given in titles as the four top mages, as like the four knights. The system of the guild was returned to the system where the strength is everything while losers getting out of the guild."

"Hm~" Jamie served Minerva with fresh green beans and nuts as she continued listening to Minerva's report.

"Some of the mage rebukes yet the power of the Alban's followers were much stronger than the other mage, which results in the rebuked members were forced to leave the guild."

"Sting, did Sting do anything?"

"Nope, nothing at all. He did try asking me to stop them, but personally, he didn't take any action."

"Hm~ Then don't do anything about it."

"But Jamie at this rate the members of Sabertooth will decline and no one would-"

"I did say that Sting will in charge when I last was gone. He's responsible for the future of the guild, not me. If he didn't take any action, then that will be the end of Sabertooth. If he even had a slight of caring heart, he would take action. I wouldn't do anything or appear until Sting had given an answer to his determination through action, and you should do the same, Minerva."


"Be the loyal dog of the current master until Sting took any action. I know you can do it" Minerva smirked as she stood up from the table.

"You know my talent is acting, right? Thanks for the food." She covered herself with the hood, along with the jingle of the door, the woman with a blue cape was no longer been seen. Jamie smiled in nostalgic as this is the first time in months that she had chatted with her best friend, normally they chatted through the lacrima craved on her earring in her left ear.

Another jingle was heard from the door as the owner of the bar walked in with a bright smile. They greeted each other and started preparing for the opening bar. The owner noticed the empty mug on the table and a small dish of appetizers, he asked Jamie if anyone had come in before the shop opens. Jamie mysterically smiles and continued her work with a short answer.

"Just an old friend, Owner."

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