Chapter 34: Release

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"Natsu pick a fight to Sabertooth?" Quin was back in her room where she rented from the Rosemary Lodge which was a few streets away from Honey Bone Lodge, the lodge that Fairy tail currently stayed. The small room with a white walls and wooden floors, Quin sat near the window with the small purple communication lacrima on her hands. The luminous lacrima reflected a figure of a women with her blue tunic and usual black hair tied to two buns. She sighed in exhaustion, with her finger slightly stroking her forehead.

"Apparently, the girl called Yukino Agria was forced to quit due to her lost in the Grand Magics. Natsu heard her situition and got pissed off, resulting him rushing into the guild to pick a fight. I had to held the blue cat as hostage in order for him to retreat."

Hou~so it doesn't matter if it's your guild member, you still took action for the person you think as a comrade.

Slightly smiling, Quin was impressed at the choas that Natsu had cause toward Sabertooth.

"Why can you smile in a situation like this? Wait, that's a stupid question. So what are you planning to come back, Baka-jamie?" the women in the crystal lacrima sighed with a hand messaging her forehead, stressed with the trouble that Natsu had brought to Sabertooth.

"Hm? Properly after the Grand Magics. I'm planning to stay around the Fairy Tail for a while. Beside there's something I want to investigate." Jamie's usual playful eyes suddenly sharpen, indicates her seriousness. The women who understand Jamie's sudden serious quickly straight up and nodded with without another complain. Whenever, she see Jamie's boss mode, she immediately understands the importance of Jamie's stay in Fairy Tail.

"I got it. I'm waiting for you, Master." With another spark of her light purple earring, the purple lacrima returned to its oringnal state. As for the women, her figure was no longer seen in any space in the room.

"And now to the next competition, we have Fairy Tail B's Laxus Dreyar vs Raven Tail's Alexei!!!!" The Announcer who couldn't control his excitement, shouted out the names of the competitors. Loud cheers were heard from both side of the colostrum. Most of the girls were shouting for Laxus, which somehow made Jamie a bit jealous. She stood with Lucy at the Fairy Tail section.

Ivan Dreyar...Laxus' father's guild...

Jamie's eyes were immediately sharpened. Ivan is well-know figure in Fairy Tail due to his constant nuisances towards the guild. His ruthless attitude towards the guild memeber, resembles a lot with the Lightening dragon slayer's past self.

I just hope that he wouldn't get hurt.

Jamie tightly gripped her hands together, praying for Laxus' safety. Despite Jamir had know Laxus had overwhelming strength, her instincts were sending warning to her brain, as if this Alexei had more than he looks. Her eyebrows furrowed as she tighten the grip on her hands.

"What is it, Quin? Worried about your boyfriend?" A hand touched the shoulder of the black haired women, which made Jamie flinched unconsciously. She turned back and saw the blond girl with a grin on her face, smuggling at the women in front of her.

"What the heck, Lucy. We are not even that close."

"Hey, we know everything about each other. And I meant Everything." Lucy's smile widen as Quin's face started to brighten up. In order to avoid any suspicion in their relationship, they talked everything about themselves and there's no secrets between each other, which includes their crushes.

"Hmph. You seriously talked about him too much. Is it that obvious that I was worried?"

"It's written all over your face."

Jamie turned away with her blushed face as her eyes glance at Laxus' figure on stage. She somehow remembers the event yesterday and stared at the lighting dragon slayer. The actions that Laxus' took were questionable. At first he seems gentle and kind towards Quin, which made Quin sometimes feel fluttered inside, yet the sudden change of his cold attitude made Quin confused.

What were you planing to do yesterday, Laxus?

Laxus who felt the sharp glance turned to the source and meet Quin's eyes, which made Quin's face further flushed redder. She turned her head to avoid being realised that she's staring at him secretly. However, Laxus has already noticed and a weak smile placed on his face, continues his way into the center of colostrum. Then the most unexpected thing happened, Laxus was punched on the face where blood were splattered out from his lips. Jamie who watched the scene, have her eyes wide opened. The one-sided match continues with Laxus being the punching bag. Jamie was of course very worried for Laxus, yet somehow felt that there's something different in the match, as if the person fighting there was not Laxus himself.

Damn!! Why at all times, my magic was being sealed!!!!

Frustrated, Jamie clutched her hands until her knuckles are turning white. Worries are slowly pilling up as each wound that Laxus was receiving. She wanted to heal Laxus immediately yet with her magic sealed at the moment, she had limited access to her magic. If she removed her seal, the Sabertooth members will know that Jamie is in Fairy Tail, which resulting more conflict within her own guild. Biting her lips, she is finding ways to help Laxus but there's nothing she's can do at the moment unless she broke her seal.

It's not the time to talk about the my identity, I have to heal him.

"Lucy, I will be back in a moment!" Not waiting for Lucy's reply, Jamie ran to the garden within the colostrum where currently no one was there. Confirming that there are no presences of people around, Jamie quickly summon the book of Ranquan.

"Ranquan null secret Art: Magic current seal: removal."

With a silent whisper, a magic field had been activated and the seals on Jamie's body had been revealed. There was a huge one on her back and in the middle of her chest, minimising the amount of out flow of the magic within her body. It was difficult for Jamie to remove her seals in her current state since she sealed her magic off. In order to remove the seal, she need to forcefully pushed her magic through her magic capsule. If possible, she usually ask Minerva to help her out, yet at the moment, Minerva is in Sabertooth and unable to go anywhere due to the constant spying from her younger brother, Mervin Orland, who had suspicions on her.

Damn it why is this so difficult!!

Sweats falling from the side of her face, Jamie tried her best to let loose of her magic. After 5 minutes of trial, she was able to break the seal on back. With a silent crack in her back, the seal disappeared and the magic within her slowly assembled towards her. This sudden wave of magic had caught the eyes of a few people.

"Hm? This magic..." a women who had the appearance not older than thirteen year old stood beside the old man who had white beard, smiling as if she remember her old friend that was part of the guild. Her curly hair flowing behind her and her childish clothing had made her appear much younger.

"It seems that they are still here in this period of time."

In the other side of the colostrum, a certain blonde and black haired dragon slayer widened their eyes with suprised.

"Sting! This magic!!"

"It's impossible! She's already-"

"But this magic is definitely her!" The two dragon slayer and two exceeds sweated with excitement and appreciation, yet a sense of fear also existed in their hearts as they remember the words that she had said.

Protect your guild mates as they are your family from now on.

"Shut up! She's already dead! We see her corpse right in front of our eyes!! SHE'S DEAD!!" Sting clutched his hands into a fist tightly as a trace of blood ran down from his hands. Lector noticed the trace of blood on his hand immediately stopped his speech as Rouge had a wryly expression was replaced.

"Master Jamie.."

Is that really you?

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