Chapter 48: Reuion with Twin Dragons

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The Sabertooth master never reveals her appearance to anyone, not even to her guild. Sting remember the day that he attends his guildmaster's funeral. The death of his idol and the reveal of her appearance. It is the first time that she revealed herself in from of everyone. Her face was really pale yet you can see her profound features. Her purple hair was spread out in the coffin while she's dressed in a piece of black long fabric. If there's a word to describe her appearance, cute and pretty were not enough to emphasize her graceful appearance.


Still, she's not alive.

The light within Sting's eyes was dimmed, as if the fire of his life was distinguished instantly within those two days. Redden eyes due to crying, Sting walked up to the black coffin, placed the flowers that he had in his hand on to top the catacomb blankly. The people that attended mourned, wept for the death of their master as they laid flowers on top of the coffin. Yet their mourning was camouflaged by the sound of the rain, showering the people with it coldness, sympathizing the pain within their heart. Tears were no longer dripping out of Sting's eyes. Immersive pain and sorrow had long disappeared, leaving a sense of emptiness within himself, as if something had robbed his heart out. His feelings were numb and a sense of heaviness lay on top of his mind.

Everything seems to be stupid now.

Sting's emotion was unstable as he giggles in the middle of the funeral. He wasn't able to recover until two weeks later, Rouge pulled him out of his comfort zone, telling him to slap out of it.

Yet right now, a woman with the same face stood in front of me with the same childish smile.

Feeling the strength drained out of his legs, Sting dropped down to the floor, tears constantly dripping out of his eyes and finally let out the sadness that laid within his heart for these few months.


"Gesh! When are you going stop crying!?"

Jamie was tightly embraced by the two dragon-slayers, crying like a baby within her embrace.

Gosh! How long do I still need to babysit you two!?

Sighing at the two babies, a sense of warmth slowly crept into Jamie's heart. Observing the situation laid in front of them, Jamie wasn't able to let Sting and Rouge continue to cry within her embrace. Minerva who had been desperately teleporting around the two dragons, looked at Jamie with annoyance as she avoided another incoming attack. Signs such as heavy breathing, heavy sweating, and actions like evading and leaping to avoid direct attack are evident to Jamie that Minerva's limits are approaching. Jamie pulled them out of her embraces as the atmosphere around her tensed up.

"Sorry, but this isn't the time for this friendly reunion session. Minerva is running out of strength, so I have to hurry up and finish my job as well."

"Finish the job?"

Rouge's teary eyes stared at Jamie with confusion as Jamie smiled. Raising her hands and closed her eyes to concentrate on her spell, a magic circle appeared below Sting, Rouge and Jamie's feet.

"Water magic: heal."

Along with the citing of her spell, bluish liquid substance started to surround the two dragon slayers. They were surprised at the abrupt appearance of the liquid, yet they didn't avoid the substance as they trust their guild master. The water enveloped their body as Sting and Rouge felt their energy was recovering in accelerated speed. Injuries and lacerations were healed and their energy was replenished. The water substance was absorbed into their bodies and the magic circle disappeared from their feet. Jamie then raised her head, turning her glance to the exhausted figure in the air.

"Minerva! It's done!!"


Minerva, who heard Jamie's shout, revealed a grin as she teleports back to the trio. She let out a sigh as she tiredly stretches her back.

"Damn, what a workout. So they are fully healed? "

"Yea. Let's go. There are probably more people that are injured while fighting these guys."


Witnessing Minerva opening the portal, Sting was surprised by the ending of the reunion, unconsciously let out a shout. The two women entered the portal as Jamie turned back with a bright smile. the portal was slowly closing up when Jamie explained to the two dragon slayers on the other side fo the portal.

"Minerva and I will be teleporting around to see if there are any wounded mages, healing people while we are at it. I trust you guys to defeat the two dragons in front of you. If you guys join hands, you will not be defeated by anyone. Besides,"

Jamie revealed her usual childish smile as the portal had only revealed a narrow space.

"You guys don't want to miss the reunion party later on, right?"

With the cheerful smile, the portal was completely closed up, leaving the two dragon slayer sitting on the floor, staring at the empty space. The nostalgia smile that Jamie always had on her lips when she's 'alive', it's a mischievous, child-like smile, but all the members know the caring, confidence and passion feeling behind that smile. Sighing while standing up fully recovred from Jamie's healing, Rogue let out a weary smile.

Same as the Storm. Do whatever she wants and left immediately when she finishes the job. But her actions always encourages us to move forward.

Yet Rouge never hate the chaos that Jamie had brought upon him. Jamie knows had great insights and judgement. She never gone over the line and always have a plan in the back of her mind, although her plan might be audacious. Her decision and ideas always have a great reason behind it. He then looked at the person beside him, with his sparkling eyes and bright smile, evidently show his idolisation towards Nidame. Sighing at Sting's frenetic attitude, he stood up and slapped Sting's head without him realising.

"Ouch! What was that for Rouge!!?"

"Are we going to sit here all night or are we going to fight these two geezers? You don't want to be late for the party, do you?"

"GEEZERS!? You brat!! How dare you called me, a mighty dragon, a geezer!?-"

Scissor Runner, the dragon that had less patience, shouted at the two dragon slayers while he let out his claws to attack the shadow dragon slayer mage. Standing with a blank expression, Rouge showed no action of avoiding the attack, staring at the incoming attack with his solemn eyes. When Scissor Runner's claws almost touched Rouge, a certain magic interrupted the attack.

"White dragon's Roar!"

With the magic hit Scissor Runner's claws, Scissor Runner retreat his claws back as Sting stood up beside Rouge with a cheeky smirk. With his fist slammed to his palm, Sting recomposed his attitude and position, focusing his attention to dragons.

"Of course we shouldn't be late. If we are late for the party, it is your fault, Rouge."

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