Chapter 3: Miss Fairy's worries

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Third person's POV

~at the treehouse~

"What are we going to do if she wakes up?"

"Well. Then you handle it. Evergreen."

"Don't push the responsibility on me!!" With the faint voices from a conflict far back, the girl slowly opens her eyes. She's on her bed with a jacket covered her. What had happened? She felt tired and her body is too heavy to move. Her eyes trailed to the side of the bed, where a boy with blond hair is sitting on the chair beside. The other three of his companies were 'quietly' quarrelling at each other. She wanted to run away, but with this heavyweight, tired body, she couldn't even move an inch. I guess I need to wait until my body recovers....The blonde seemed to notice her awakening. With those caring, gentle eyes, He lean forward and touched her forehead.

"Hm. You seem to be better now." The girl stared at the blonde. She's anxious, cautious on every move he took, since she had no strength to protect herself anymore. She did let them into her temporary houses, but she still didn't even know them well enough to trust these people. She saw a hand slowly approach her, nervously she closed her eyes, prayed that he wouldn't hurt her.

"Your fever .... had gone downs little. I'm glad." Not being sure if it is because of her fever, the cool temperature of the his palm had definitely calm her temperature down. She could still feel the heat was burning her energy away. She tiredly open her eyes as if it's the first time she took a clear look of the blond boy's kind face.

Third person POV

~back to fairy tail~

"Lets start the Miss Fairy Contest. The first one is.." Jamie woke up from the host's voice of the Miss Fairy Contest.'s already starting..She was placing her head on the bench beside the crowd and napping until the contest start. Yawning and stretching like a cat, she stood on top of bench look to the stage. The candidates are presenting a introduction of themselves and a magic performance. Jamie doesn't take part of the competition since first, she's still a kid (about 14) and second, she is recognised as a guy from the guild due to her boyish clothing that she always wear.

Jamie watched the show at the back, standing on the bench. She laughed at Mira's face transformation.

Nice one Mira!

She like fairy tail. How the vibe that the guild gives out, how they interacted with each other. It's always peaceful and warm.

Like a family.

She continued to watch the show from a far distance until someone poke her from the back. She turns her head and saw a woman with golden brown locks and her usual green dress. The woman smiles as she saw Jamie's surprised face.

"Long time no see, Jamie. You're still wearing the same boyish clothes? Start dress like a woman!"

"Evergreen!!!" Jamie wrapped her hands on Evergreen's waist (because she's short) and blasted a bright smile to the woman. Evergreen hugged her motherly and stroke Jamie's hair while Jamie continues to hug her tightly.

"When did you came back? How's the Thunder God Tribe? Is everything alright?" Jamie start bombarding questions to the woman as the woman sweat drops at the amount of questions being asked.

"C-calm down Jamie. Too many questions at a time."

"Why are you back? Because of Laxus?" Jamie questioned as she continued to hug dearly on Evergreen.

"Hm.. it's a bit confidential, so I can't tell you." Jamie let go of Evergreen and looked down sighing in disappointment.

"Which means I can't join this time right?" Evergreen just give her a guilty, apologetic smile. She cupped Jamie's face and forces Jamie to look at her. Jamie stares at her and realised that Evergreen haven't put on her glasses.

Oh shot!! She gonna use magic on me!

"I'm sorry to do this to you. I'm really sorry." Jamie quickly close her eyes but it's too late. Evergreen's magic had already hit on her when she look into Evergreen's eyes. The vision in front of her started to blurred as she start to lose consciousness.

Why are you doing this to me? Why? I don't understand. Is it because I'm too weak? Too weak to even help and just become a trouble to you?

Evergreen could see a single tear run down from Jamie's face and frozen on her cheeks as she started to turn into stone. Evergreen saddened her face as she slowly whisper an apology between her lips.

"The spell is already set. You only need to turn the girls into statues with your-- what's wrong, Evergreen?" Freed Justine, the guy with waist-length mint-green hair and the bangs brushed to the right side of his face, walking causally with his companion, Bickslow, who covered everything with dark, mildly fitting cloth with white strips, to Evergreen while explaining his plans for the fairies in the guild.

"Yea. What's with that ugly sorry face?"

Evergreen, who don't have the feel to retort Bickslow, turns her head to Freed with doubts and sadness on her face.

" we have to do this to Jamie? I kind of feel very conflicted right now." She turn her attention to the stoned Jamie in front her with worries and guilt in her eyes. "I can't stop feeling that I'm betraying Jamie right now, even though she still trust us so much."

Freed and Bickslow remain silent. They both know that Evergreen cared her companions and family, more than anything else, especially the ones in the Thunder God Tribe and Jamie is the dearest member in the team for Evergreen. She cares about her even they are no longer with Jamie. Doing something to hurt Jamie is unforgivable for Evergreen and now she's using her as a hostage for the action for revolution. She can't forgive herself to do such an immoral thing.

"Uh... Evergreen, we can't do anything about it. We can't allow her from getting involved in this rebellion. She's still a child. It's for the best." Bickslow tried to comfort his companion while Evergreen still look unsatisfied at that reason.

"Evergreen." Evergreen turned to Freed as Freed kept the seriousness on his face. "You know that Jamie is willing to sacrifice anything to protect her family right? Do you think you can allow her, a strong determination but not having a strong power, to join the rebellion?" Evergreen went into silent.

"We need to protect from injuring herself, even we play as the role of a villain. You're the one who understands this the most. It's for her own good." Freed steps forward and pats on Evergreen's shoulder. "We still need to finish the mission that Laxus ask us to do."

Evergreen looked down for a while, then sighed. She look into Freed's eyes with determination and nodded. Freed and Bickslow smiled.

"Well then. Let the battle of Fairy Tail begin."

Fairy Tail: Secrets within the deep ocean (Laxus X OC)Where stories live. Discover now