Chapter 6: Truth

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The Third person's POV

"Where are you guys these days?! You had seriously gotten me worried!?" The young black boyish girl stood up and stomped her way to the four teens.

"Sorry, Jamie. We are on a long mission, so we couldn't come back early." The girl with brown locks kneeled down a bit to comfort the young teen.
The small girl, who is Jamie pouted as she continues to furrowed her eyebrows.

"Then bring me with you next time!!!!" Jamie shouted in a displeased tone. She doesn't want to be left behind, staying at the guild, waiting for her family to come back.

"Sorry kid, you're still a child. You still can't go to these difficult missions yet. When you get a bit stronger, then we will bring you with us." The young male, with a black hair and a tattoo of a figure man on his face, patted Jamie's head. Jamie shook her head and continues to complain about her dissatisfaction.

"I am strong enough to protect myself-"

"But you're not strong enough to protect your family." Another voice appeared from the back had caught everyone's attention. The young teen with blond hair and a lighting scar across his right eye, walked towards the group. His strong yet gentle hand rubbed Jamie's head and a smile plastered on his face. Jamie can only look up to the huge figure with admiration.

"Jamie. You will become stronger and until the day to show your strength, stored your power and keep it hidden within you. Surprise us with your magic. We will wait until that day comes." Slowly, Jamie nodded her head with agreement. The strong hands were lifted and the four figures walked out the guild door. Bitterness and disappointment waged on the little girl's heart.

"No matter how strong I can be, the difference of my strength and your power was hardly ever going to pull closed...."

The third person's Pov

~in fairy tail's Nursey room~

"you're hereby expelled from fairy tail." Laxus weakly smiled. He knew that this day will come sooner or later. The day that he hurt the fairy tail member, he already realized the wrongs that he had been doing all along. However, he cannot prevail his winning mentality, not until someone stopped him from hurting people. He turned to the bed beside Makarov, which laid a young girl with her mid-length black hair resting due to exhaustion of over-using magic. He tenderly stroke her forehead and smiled. Makarov left the room as the other members greet with frenetic excitement. He knows that Laxus wanted to at least stay with Jamie a little bit longer, so he left them be.

As the closing of the door was heard from Laxus, Laxus started to speak to the unconscious Jamie.

"Hey, Jamie. Long time no sees." His smile consisted a bit of sadness as he looked at Jamie with caring eyes. Jamie was like a little sister to him. He never truly wanted to hurt her, but if she stayed with Laxus or the Thunder God Tribe, she's going to be hurt. Therefore, it's better for her to be away from them, to keep her safe. He tried to push her away, but it turned out that he had hurt her mentally.

"I'm sorry, Jamie. I'm sorry for leaving you broken at that time, the words that I had said were meaningless. I wanted you to stay in fairy tail, because I knew that you're will be hurt if you come with us. The burden that you getting hurt was too heavy for me to bear, I'm scared that my actions in the future will affect you in some bad way. I'm sorry, Jamie. I'm truly sorry." Laxus looked at the figure as the girl continued to slumber peacefully in the white bed. Laxus sighed as he reached into his pouch, search for something. A necklace with had a raindrop mental jingled down from Laxus's hands. He smiled at the sight as he started to remember the day that Jamie gave this to him.

"Laxus!! I will give this to you!"

"What the hell is this? I don't need a necklace."

"Lucky charm!" A young Jamie had her hand behind and her radiant smile blasted on her face.

"I'm giving it to you! To keep you safe."

"This time I will return it to you. To keep you safe." Laxus put the necklace on Jamie's hand and grasped her fingers tightly praying that the lucky charm to take effect on the little girl. Holding her hands for a while, Jamie could feel a sense of warmth coming from her right hand. Her finger twitches slightly. Laxus blanked opened his eyes when he felt the movement of her fingers. He quickly opened up his hand to check if he was dreaming.

Another twitch of Jamie's finger as she slowly closed up her fist. Eyes widen, Laxus quickly turned his eye to Jamie's face. He could see Jamie's eyes slowly fluttering open. He's overwhelmed as he thought that Jamie was waking up from her two-day slumber. Her blue eyes had flashed a purple with a certain symbol, then gone within the next blink. Jamie's eyes were opened while Laxus had his eyes open wide, flabbergasted at the scene.

"Laxus..." her hoarse voice echoed to Laxus. Laxus immediately gave her a reply and caught in surprised when he heard her word.

"I heard you Laxus..... thank you for telling me the truth....."  A fragile yet kind smile plastered on her face. For the last few year, Laxus never shared a tear. He never knew that he's sobbing until he felt the liquid running down his cheek. He couldn't stop his tears flowing, so he faced down to the blanket and clutched on to Jamie's fist.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry..." Silence pervaded the room as the young blond adult sobbed silently on the shoulder of the young teen.

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