Chapter 20: The news of the Sabertooth master

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The light and the dark always supports each other side by side, balance each other out. If one crumbles, then the other will fall. Therefore, its necessary for them to stay strong, having a strong will and heart to protect the ones behind them.

The Third person's POV

"Master and Oujo is still not returning.." Sting let out a disappointing sigh. It's already been a month that Jamie and Minerva had left the guild. There were some troubles all over the guild, yet Sting was able to handle them for a while. He started to feel the pressure as a Master and felt pity for their guild master to always handle all the affairs alone.

I hope Master will return quickly.

"Sting, I think they be back by this week, so be patient." Besides Sting was his partner in crime and the examiner of the trial, Rouge. He was tasked by Jamie to evaluate Sting for his potential of becoming the guild master in place of Jamie. He watched over Sting, advised him on the decision that he was forced to make, similar to Minerva acting as the vice-leader in the guild, supporting Jamie in the shadows. Sting sighed again, realizing the inner stress that he had been holding for the past weeks, yet he's still glad that his partner, Rouge, and Lector, were here with him. Following with heavy footsteps, the guild door was opened and a woman with eastern features and black hair stood with depression and stress evidently placed on her face. The twin dragon slayer walked toward the incoming member with feverish haste.

"Welcome back, Oujo!!" They both greeted her with radiant smiles as Minerva just silently nodded with a wearily smile. The other two members looked around with her with curiosity in their eyes.

"Ahm, Oujo, where's Master?" Minerva stiffened as her head tilted downwards, shadowing her reddened eyes. The two dragon slayer felt the abrupt sense of foreboding, waiting for the vice master to bring in the news. Minerva hesitating that should she bring in the worst news of the guild master.

"She's......." The attention of the guild quickly turned to Minerva, since it's the first time to see her quivering like this. Shivering, she slowly moved her lips.

"She's dead."


"Well, it's been a long time." A girl with her black short hair and abnormal aqua blue eyes stood in the streets of Magnolia town. Strolling around the area with her suitcase, she glanced at the town with amusement as the town had changed quite a lot from the last time she's stayed. Some shops are gone due to various reason, like some pink hairs idiot crashed the building by accident, or the black hair ice queen demolished the boutiques when he's arguing with his rival, or the red-haired swords dancer crashed the building when she's trying to stop the idiots from fighting.

Ah~these memorable times~

The girl followed the stream down the road as her aqua blue iris reflected the orange setting sun, smiled in delight about the peaceful view in the city. Kicking her black boots, she continued her search for the apartment of a familiar blonde. She stopped in front is a two-story pinkish building with an mischievous smile. Carried her heavy suitcase with her bare hands, she jumped to the second floor on the opened window, landed gracefully on the with one leg. She looked around the dark room and realised that the blonde wasn't back yet.

Maybe I should wait for her to come back.

Laying down her wine-red suitcase on the mat, she peered around the room with curiosity. Then, she spotted a stack of papers with a title in front, written "the legend of the star". Smiled with vexation, she sat down on to the chair and flipped through the pages.

Pardon me for reading this.


"Ah~ the payment was cut short again because Natsu had destroyed the facilities there." Sighing with exhaustion, Lucy had yet again wasn't able to collect enough money for her rent next month. Plue, the silver key Celestial spirit, agreed with a "pur-put", trying it's way on encouraging his master. Render to Natsu's destructive nature, she walked up the stairs and prepared to opened the door when she realised the lights of her apartment was on.

Did I turn off the lights before I go? Or else Natsu, you are here again?

Tired of her mission today and facing the pink-haired idiot again, she let down her guard and entered the room with Plue in her hands. Eyes closed as she entered the room without thinking and sighed.

"Natsu! How many time did I tell you that this is my-" When she blinked opened her eyes again, she saw a girl with polite gestures, tears forming on the corner of her eyes, stiffing with sorrow while her hands flipping through the pages and muttering something like, "Poor, Lucena...." The girl then realised the another presence and turned her head towards the entrance, saw the owner had returned. Closed the pages, she turned away from the story and replaced her teary face with a benign smile. Lucy who realised the person in front is of her wasn't anyone she know, immediately took out Leo's celestial spirit key, prepared that the stranger is anyone that meant harm to her. Her exhausted expression was replaced with an somnolent look and quickly questioned the identity of this girl and the reason for her to be in her room

"Who are you? And what are you doing in my room?"

The girl, who already predicted this would happen, standing up from the seat and with her hands on her waist, she bowed with respect towards the remaining Heartfilia member.

"Nice to meet you, Lucy Heartfilia. Or I should say 'long time no see'? " She then straighten up and the smile turned into a gentle, sad smile. Despite the girl had not act with violence, Lucy continued to put her guard up due to her lack of recognition on this girl. The girl pay no attention on the serious face on the celestial keys user and continued her speech with her gentle smile, which caught Lucy surprised when she heard the name of the girl.

"I'm Jamie Quintana. Recall anything?"

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