Chapter 7: Fantasia

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The Third person's POV

~in fairy tail nursery room~

"Eh? You are expelled from fairy tail!?"Jamie exclaimed. Jamie and Laxus were chatting at the nursery room, spending hours on talking about their life and different things happened in fairy tail.

"Why!? I thought master will be lenient this time!" Jamie desperately grabbed hold on Laxus' sleeves as if she will never let out. She had waited three years for Laxus return and when she thought that she can finally see him, fate doesn't make it her way.

"Yea. But this time he will be harsh since I did hurt the guild members." Laxus plastered a sad smile on his face, recalling the misdeeds that he had made. Heading facing the sheets of blankets, Jamie held the tears that slowly formed on the corners of her eyes, as she knew that Laxus never wanted to see her cry. She swallowed the sobs of sorrow and grief and blinked her eyes with determination.

"Then promise me! Promise Me that you will come back to Fairy Tail!! Until then I will keep the charm!!" Jamie desperately grabbed onto Laxus' arm, clinging him as she holds out a pinky. Laxus was flabbergasted at her exclamation, then his shocked expression mellowed down to a genuine smile. He thought Jamie would be disgusted at the sin that he committed, but Jamie wanted him to come home which made Laxus happy.

"I will promise." Jamie smiled as they vow on an unforgettable pledge.

(skip some part of the carnival)

The Third person's POV

~at the streets~

The spots of the warm yellowish luminescence lightened up the streets of Fiore. Fireworks and magic circles had been displayed onto the sky. The Parade surrounded by citizens in Fiore. Happiness and enjoyment plastered on the faces of the audience as the guild members held a cocky smile on their faces. In the water and ice Castle, the two young teen and a young boy(who is a girl actually) stood at the stage with navy blue gowns and blue suit. The young boy, however, wore a long sleeve blue shirt, brisker pants with the length just above his knees and black tin ribbon tied on the collar. He was kicking his brown leather shoe and black long socks, waiting for the other two teen to come. He had a staff(similar to the Rise of the guardian's Jack frost staff)on his back and pouted at the lateness of the two teens.

"Sorry for the long wait Jamie!" the first one who appeared was Gray fullbuster with his prince-like clothes, running towards their chart. Juvia, with her eyes filled with hearts, followed Gray from behind. Flushing into deep red, She muttered words such as 'Gray-sama looked handsome.' Or 'Gray-sama is definitely my white horse prince!'

"Soo Long!!! It took you guys too long to prepare!!" Jamie pouted at the two teens, hands crossed, he glared at the two. Gray apologetically grinned and patted the younger teen's head while Juvia squatted and looked up to the angry-looking teen. She wore the same a remorseful yet guiltless smile. Her white gloved hand touched the side of Jamie's cheeks.

"We're sorry, Jamie. Our costume is kind of hard to wear on. It took us some time to figure out how to wear them."

"Are you going to listen one of my request in turns?" With the puppy-eyes and tears in the corner of her eyes, it's hard to resist the young teen's request. The two mage looked at each other, then nodded at the black-haired brunette. The pout on Jamie's face slowly morphed into a genuine smile.

"Then you guys should better treat me Lactis ice cream later!" The two mage froze at the sound of the name. Lactis ice cream was a gelato shop, famous for having a unique flavor of milk, which caused the strong taste of daily products, especially on gelato. However, due to the popularity of gelato, the price kept on rising and now it had become the most expensive gelato in Fiore. While Jamie celebrated the fact that she could taste the famous gelato in Fiore, in the background, the two mage sweatdropped and pity the empty wallet in their pockets.

We got tricked....

"You guys hurry!! Let's get this done!!!" Gray could only sigh and Juvia smiled warmly.

"Yea. Yea. We are coming."

In the shadows of the wall behind the three young mage, the blondie with a lightening scar on his right eye, stood in silence, observing the young black hair water mage. A warm smile plastered on his tired face as he saw the young teen gleaming in happiness. Sadness and loneliness overwhelm him as the smile had become much wrily. Focusing his feets on stepping away from the main street, he realized the mater's position with a finger up in the air. Memories flashed through his head and tears started to form at the corner of his eyes.


He knew that his Grandfather never wanted to expelled him from the guild, the guild where his family was in. However, if his grandfather didn't expel himself, he knew that he, himself will never learn how to be mature. Tears of sadness dripped from his eyes as he knew the hidden message of the signature.

Even if I can't see you.....

Even if you are far away....

I will always be looking at your way....

I will always be watching over you.

Touched by the signature that the guild member had done, Laxus turned his feet and leave the place with tears filled in his eyes.

"Yea...Thank you..."

Jamie stood on the iced snowflake flowing in the air, spotted the turning figure of the lighting mage. At first, she was superised at her sight, then a benevolent smile plastered on her face.

"Let's meet again...Laxus..."

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