C30 || thought

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"I'll tell you in the right time."

Jungkook's POV

I don't know why I just thought this thing up, I don't want her to be sad and broken but I'm scared. Because once our comeback stage Ofcourse many our fans will see or will think because me and venn are seems so close and they will thought that we are dating but yeah that's true.

But the thing is, the fans didn't know yet nor I didn't tell to my fans yet and I'm scared that they will be sad and hate me. I will break a millions of heart if they know that I was Secketly dating her and they will be burst into hate to her nor they will bash her.

A two fandom which is army and highers maybe hate her and me, I don't want those two fandom will be hated each other and make a fanwar because of us.

I know it's sounds so crazy right? But it's true.

I wanna tell her as early as I could so when the comeback is on she can perform nicely not thinking of us, but I don't know if she can move on fastly. Cause I know Venn really loved me and I loved her too, it's really hard I don't know what to do.

You know I just can't act in the stage that there's no between us? It's hard.

She keep asking me if I'm okay but I just can't tell her and I'm bursting into tears but I don't want to show her and I keep looking away.

"Kookie, please tell me is there something wrong?" She asked again as the same question that making me more and more sad.

"I told you I will tell you in the right time, after this dinner." I said with a lowered voice and also I'm sobbing.

"Are you crying jk?" She asked me and I don't want to see her eyes because it's seems she was hurted too. "No." I reply.

"I told you kookie im always here as here, please tell me your problem I know you're crying please." She keep saying that and the more I burst into tears Secketly and I wiped them quickly.

"Meet me at the rooftop after this dinner." I demanded as she nodded quickly and hugged me.

I really feel loss.

I can't do this.

I really can't do this.

Maybe after my career let me get back to her?

But what if she will reject me now?

Time has passed*

So we're here at the restaurant, it's just a normal restaurant but it's kinda cool and I think the food here is good.

So we are in the front of the restaurant's door and waiting them all come out.

"Jk why your eyes are so swallowed?"jhope asked and everyone stared to get worried and I looked at venn and she is just looking down.

"Did you cry?" He added. " no I just got my eye a dust." I quickly reply.

"So shall we?" Namjoon demanded and we all nodded and started walking to take our sit on.

A/N: 🤔 I think you should get ready some tissues on :> just kidding HAHA

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