C13 || heated up

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Jungkook's POV

Me and taehyung are playing pubg in the computer and we played together happily.

"Revive me, revive me jungkook!" Taehyung demanded and I ignored him and let him die on the ground.

"Aishh!" Taehyung hit me playfully and I'm just laughing hard. And we stopped a little to take a break and I sat on the couch and taehyung followed.

Venn's POV ( as you )

I'm about to check taehyung cause jimin asked me to find taehyung to help me with the ice. Then I go to the living room and I'm about to open the door but I didn't continued cause I'm hearing some conversations of jungkook and taehyung, And I decided to eavesdrop them.

I put my ears behide the door so I can here them clearly.

"Jungkook, are you sure you don't like venn?" Taehyung said and I was so shook my heart started to beat so fast again.

"How many times I told you hyung, I don't like her, you are always talking nonsense at all." I heard jungkook, and he seems so upset And my eyes became blurry again as many tears escaped in my eyes, but I'm still listening cause i want to know all so I can move on if he really dont like me.

"Then why are you always texting her?" I heard taehyung. "Yeah why are you texting me first?" I thought my self.

"Because I'm bored?" He confess and many tears escaped in my eyes again. Why this is so hurts.

"Kookie, don't play girls heart, what if venn likes you and she finds out that you don't like her. But you keep texting her, and Ofcourse she will be hurted so if you don't like the girl stop texting her some sweets stuffs." I heard taehyung which is I burst a lot of tears right now I realize how taehyung was so concern about me.

"She's my friend okay? There's nothing wrong with that?" I heard jungkook and it's hurts me alot.

"Venn what are you doing here?" Jimin asked and I jumped out of scared and I suddenly wiped my tears but I think jimin already notice that I'm crying.

"Venn , are you okay?" Jimin finally asked me and I nodded. "Then why are you crying? Is there something wrong?" Jimin came a little closer to me and wipe my tears who'd keep falling off.

"Venn, tell me." Jimin asked me and I heard the door was slowly opening and I saw taehyung and jungkook came out.

"What happen to her?" Taehyung asked jimin and he immediately came by my side.

"Did you hurt yourself?" Taehyung asked but I didn't answer as my heart was so heavy that my tears keep falling even I Don't want too cause I feel so shy cause they seening me crying right in front of them.

Then I saw jungkook was looking direct to my eyes that I can see a sadness in his eyes too.

Jungkook's POV

"Do she really have a feeling on me?" I asked my self while looking at her and I want to comfort her but it's too late cause taehyung was there for her.

I felt so sad but I can't take it anymore so my mouth raise up.

"Are you okay?" I asked her with a lowered voice then taehyung looked at me as I ignored him and my hands can't take it anymore too cause I really want to comfort her I don't even know why I am doing this, That's the thing, what's wrong with me.

I pushed taehyung gently and I don't care what he thinking of me now, I grab her hands and hugged her.

"Did she heard everything I said Back there?" I thought my self.

"Venn, please don't cry I'm sorry." I murmur to her and I can feel her hands were shaking and I think she was so nervous.

"W—why a-re you apologizing?" She said with a lowered voice and her voice was echoing. "Hmm idk I just felt sad cause I'm not here when your sad." I confess to her which is my heart beat so fast when her heart meets mine as I can feel her heart was beating so fast too.

"It's ok I understand." She said and I let here go now as I removed my self hugging her then I wipe her tears and I accidentally kissed her forehead.

"Oh oh I'm I—I'm so s—so sorry, I was not thinking." I said shyly as i step backwards and I'm burning up and why did I do that, And I can see her eyes were so shocked and I look at my back to see if taehyung was still there and I saw him still standing beside me and I saw a little smile came from him and he look down to cover his smile.

"Venn, I'm sorry I was not thinking okay!" I'm still complaining cause I don't know what to do now and venn was still not moving there and I get so nervous my skin is burning up right now and I think she is still shocked.

"Why? Did I steal her first kiss on the forehead?" I asked my self.

"I—it's okay Kookie, I und—understand." She finally spoke but with lowered voice and she scratched her head.

"I'm really sorry!" I made a cute voice then I hugged her again, as I realize why I'm a hugging her.

"WHY I AM HUGGING HER?" I thought my self.

"Oh sorry again!" I said and I shut my mouth with my hands and I bowed to her and walk away as my shyness.

Then I saw ella was walking in front of me and I just mind my own business and trying to ignore her if she says something but I can't.

"Oh jungkook why you look so red? Did something happen?" She asked and I said "no!" And I bowed at her and still walking through my room.

"Hmmm bye ella I need to go somewhere." I said and waved at her.

When I arrived at my room I locked my self and jumped on the bed and thinking that embarrassed what I did back there.

"That's the most embarrassing that I did."

"But atleast if she really do have feelings on me she would be happy cause I kissed her forehead." I thought.

"No.. no.. no what if she just hurt herself ?"

"No what if she really do?"


"Ahhhh why did I do that? I'm really not thinking, what's wrong with me?" I thought myself

"That's the thing, I don't know what's wrong with me since I met her."

"Do taehyung really telling the truth that when I'm feeling this kind of thing it's means I'm Inlove?" I told my self.


      "If your acting like this, it's means you're Inlove with someone kookie."

I keep repeating that word in my head and I'm shy to show up there right now.

"But i am really Inlove?"

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