~Chapter 25~ Spicy Nights

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Error's POV 

It's been a few weeks since the whole incident with Dream!Swap Blue. We are still not fully recovered as hope for Blue's eyesight getting better is very slim. Me and Nightmare are worried for Dream and Blue, Blue is trying his best to make Dream feel better but Dream's state of mind right now isn't the best. We have planned to go on vacation, jus the four of us to hopefully help us relax and relieve tension. 

"Sweetheart?" I turn around to look at my boyfriend, Nightmare. I smile warmly at him while I finish booking our tickets. "Yes?" He walks over to me and sits behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. Nightmare nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck. "I hope everything works out..Dream really needs a break; we all do" I nod in agreement to his words. 

Nightmare trails soft kisses down my neck, leaving little hickeys all over. I hum in satisfaction and let him do as he pleased. I shut my laptop and lay down while I let Nightmare get on top of me. He leans down to whisper where my ear would be if we weren't skeletons, "How about we have a little fun~?" I chuckle and look up into his piercing icy eye-light. "That sounds good~"

 I wrap my arms around his neck while he gets in between my legs. "I'm not going to go easy on you tonight-" Before we could continue, Dream bursts through the door. "Guys! I need to tell you- oh..hehehe :3", really Dream really. Dream awkwardly laughs as he observes the situation, he quickly slams the door close. We hear him  run down the hall to his and Blue's bedroom. 

Nightmare groans and leans down to my chest, "Shall we continue~?" I hum in thought before shaking my head. "Sorry Nighty, I'm not really in the mood anymore." Nightmare pouts and starts to kiss my neck, "Please Please Please Please Please Please." I shake my head again, "You can blame Dream for that." Nightmare sighs and gets off of me, he does a few stretches before kicking our door open and Naruto running down to Dream and Blue's room.

 "DREAM YOU BASTARD COME HERE AND FACE ME LIKE A MAN!!" Welp. Sorry Dream. I take out my phone and roll out of bed. It's nearly time for dinner but I have to record this first. I make my way down the hall and position my phone to where the action was happening. Dream comes out of his room, "Heyyyyyyy Nightmareeeeeeeeeee - look I'm really sorry okay! I didn't mean to interrupt!" I swear Dream has a sixth sense to know when me and Nightmare are about to start love making. This happens every single time! 

Blue walks out of the room, he was wearing one of Dream's shirts. Once my eyes meet his face instant guilt forms inside my soul. He didn't deserve this to happen to him. I can't help but feel like this is my fault, maybe if I just went with Ink then none of this would have happened. Tears well up in my sockets. I know this is my fault.. 



You made him lose his eye sight!

You should just go to Ink!


Shut up! I raise my hand up to my head and firmly press against it. Yes, some of this is my fault but Ink is the one to blame. I am going to kill that son of a bitch. I realise that I have been spacing out, I look around to see Dream and Nightmare staring at me. I notice Blue is hugging Dream's arm. "What?" I speak rather confidently. 

Nightmare frowns and walks over to me. "You okay? You started shaking and clenching your head, everything alright?" I look up to meet my boyfriend's concerned gaze. "I j-just can't help but think this is my fault Nighty.." Nightmare holds my cheek with his hand. "It's not your fault Error, you did all that you could so please do not blame yourself for the events that happened." I smile and lean against his hand, "Thank you."

Nightmare pulls me back to our bedroom, he locks the door and pins me to the wall. "I know something that can cheer you up~" I wrap my arms around his neck yet again and tilt my head to the side, already knowing what he wants. Nightmare laughs and shakes his head, "Not that silly; I was suggesting we could maybe watch some movies and just snack out." I stare blankly at him, "Oh. Pinning me to the wall suggests other things Nighty." I give him the Frisk face "-_-", he didn't need to lead me on like that but I was fine with watching movies. 

~10 minutes later~ 

We are now snuggled up on our bed while watching End Game. I have the tissues ready next to us, I will always come prepared. Nightmare's arm is wrapped around me tightly while I lean into his side. Nightmare places a kiss to my temple, "I love you." I chuckle and kiss his cheek. "I love you too." 

~2 and a half hours later~ 

I was sobbing while I watch the scene play out. "TONYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! I L-LOVE YOU 3000!!!!!!!!" My whole face was covered with tissues as I cry. Nightmare chuckled as he showered me in kisses. "How are you not c-crying?" I am generally curious. He just simply smiles and shrugs, "It's not that sad." I gasp, "We are breaking up." He starts to laugh harder. "Whattttt?? Baby nOOoOOOo!" I shake my head in disappointment. "No! How dare you not cry! This is so sad!" I start to get up but Nightmare pushes me down. 

I am now pinned to the bed. He switches off the movie and his hands rub small circles on my hips with his thumbs. He smirks at me "I need you Error~" I look at him and glare. "Apologise!" He chuckles and leans down to my neck, biting harshly. "How about no~" And that my friends was when I knew that it was going to be a long night.

~In the morning~ 

I wake up to feel two strong arms wrapped around my torso. My head was laying on Nightmare's chest and would you look at that! He has no t-shirt on! Wait a minute..I also have no t-shirt on....and no pants! Oh god what did we do last night? I think back and everything starts to rush back to me. We did 'it' for the first time last night. I would want to say I'm embarrassed but damn did that feel so good. I sigh pleasantly and snuggle up to my lover. I can't wait for the vacation tomorrow. 

A Glitch And A Nightmare ( Error x Nightmare ) !DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now