~Chapter 21~ Why are you looking at me like that?..

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???'s POV 

Blue has now fell unconscious. Yikes, he is weak. I crouch down beside him and gently rub his head. Blood coats my hand. Oh! Hello readers! You must all be very confused right now. If I were you I would be too but I would like to give you a MAJOR hint of who I am. Now, before I do that let's go over the things you know about me.

- I can glitch

- I'm from a different multiverse 

- I'm a skeleton 

- I'm a male

- I have very deep and SExy voice

- I'm an asshole 

Most of you think I'm Ink, Fate, Hate or some of you just have no clue. Sigh. It was really fun to see you all get pissed at me and trying to guess who I am. All I'm going to say is, I'm a different version of your precious Under!Swap Sans. Anyways! I'm going to let you guys have fun watching Blue get tortured! 


Dream's POV 

The lights flicker back on and I notice that Blue isn't in my arms anymore. I growl as I see that Ink is no longer here as well, that fucking rainbow asshole has took Blue. I take in a deep breath as I look to Error and Nightmare. "They took Blue..". Nightmare frowns and walks over to me. He places a hand on my shoulder. "We'll get him back, I promise". I couldn't help but smile. "Thanks Night, I appreciate it". He nods understandingly. When I find Ink I'm going to fucking rip him to pieces! 

Error's POV 

While those two talk about a plan, I walk over to inspect the area where Ink had escaped. I let out a loud sigh as I run my fingers across the black inky mess that was on the wall and floor. Why would he take Blue? Why does he need him? Is it just a trap to lure us in? Shit! That's right! This is probably just a trap! We can't risk it but we need to save Blue. Who knows what Ink might have already done to him! But how can we track them down? Maybe with Ink's paint? 

Gasp! That could work! Man I am a genius. "Guys! Come here!". Both Dream and Nightmare quickly hurry over, Nightmare turns to me. "What is it?". "Okay so first of all we are going to have to be really careful with getting Blue back". Dream nods, "Yes we know that". I sigh. "I know you know that but it's because this is all obviously a trap. Ink wants us to rescue Blue and that's when he will attack. With that in mind I have found out a way we could find them!". 

Dream and Nighty both perk up. "We can use his ink that he left behind to find the location they are hiding at". Nighty smiles and hugs me tightly, "That could work! You're a genius Glitchy!". I smirk happily. "I know". 

I look over to Dream only to see him also smiling. "Thanks Error, no wonder Blue trusts you as his best-friend". I know I normally don't do this but he needs it; I give Dream a big hug. "We are going to find him and bring him back home". Dream's tears dampened my shoulder as I rub his back. I know Blue can trust him, Dream obviously cares a lot about him. 

Nightmare's POV 





This is sweet and all but they are getting a little bit too touchy for my liking. And yeS I KnOw thEy ArE JusT HuGGIng. But just remember that I have never been in love before so sometimes I may come across as a tiny winy little bit over protective. Wait, who am I even talking to? I pause for a moment. Eh, oh well. My tentacles seperate them. "Okay, that's enough". Dream turns to me and gives me this weird look, I can't describe it. 

His face kinda looked like this =    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

And now his face looks like this  =       ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

I'm scared. 

Blue's POV 

My sockets slowly flutter open, where am I? Oh, right. Ink kidnapped me and bashed my skull into the wall. Ugh! Why did I have to say that to him? I wouldn't have gotten my skull bashed if I just kept my mouth shut! Sometimes Blue you are just so stoopid. Now that I think about it, my head is hurting like a bitch right now. Why does Ink even need me? To make tacos? I hope that is the reason but I don't think it is. He probably just wants me so he can lure in Error. I really hope those guys are okay. Especially Dream..


A voice echoes in my mind. I totally forgot! Somebody said that to me before I passed out but who was it? Didn't sound like anybody that I know. I remember seeing the colour blue and a few glitches. It defiantly wasn't Error though because the random skeleton had white bones. Must have been somebody who works for Ink seeing how they didn't even try to free me from this hellhole. 

What should I do to pass the time? 




Mega oof. I can't think of anything, I don't want to scream because then Ink will probably come over here and I don't want to see him. Plus he will probably just bash me up again and maybe even worse than last time. I shiver. Why didn't I realise how cold this place was before? Or did I? I don't think I did. It also doesn't help that everything is pitch black but I can feel the stone floor under me.  I try moving forward but of course chains pull me back. I just want to go home..

An image flashes in my mind..

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I take a deep breath. I feel much better now. 

* I reached over 1000 words! Not including this part. WOOP WOOP! >:3*

* Also Blue might seem like he isn't taking things too seriously but it's mainly because he is actually petrified that Ink might kill him so he is trying to calm him self down by thinking about that lovely Errormare * 

A Glitch And A Nightmare ( Error x Nightmare ) !DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now