~Chapter 5~ Holding Hands

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Nightmare's POV

Error seemed to looking behind me but I shake it off. I don't know if I should tell him about how I feel, he will probably laugh! "Hey Error", he focuses back to me. "HmM?", I start to grow nervous, stop Nightmare, you are the king of negativity! "We should probably head back to the gang", I can't tell him, not yet. He simply nods and stands up, I look up to his handsome face, his multi-coloured eyes are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

I quickly stand up as I noticed that I was staring for a long time, he swiftly opens a portal and we step in. This is not the castle, this is Outertale. "Error, what are we doing here?", I turn to face him, a bright yellow blush covered his face. He started to glitch but he soon calmed down and took his hands in mine. "N-nIgHtMArE, I r-ReallY LiK-", before he could continue any further an arrow shot past us at an alarming rate. I quickly turn around and there stood my twin brother, Dream.

Error's POV

I was just about to confess to Nightmare but noOOoOOoo, Dream just had to wreck the moment! "Error, Nightmare, I won't let you destroy Outertale!", Dream obviously doesn't understand that villains don't always destroy, typical. " We ArE nOt hErE tO DEsTRoY!", I look over to Nightmare, he seem really pissed off. "DREAM! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE US ALONE?!" Nightmare basically screamed at him. Dream looked taken back by his sudden out burst. I think for a while before deciding wether to escape or fight Dream. I glance back at Nightmare, fighting Dream is not worth it. My hands shake a little but like before, I take Nightmare's hand in mine. "NiGhTmaRE, He'S nOT wORtH iT", he slightly nods. "You two are holding hands?!", Dream, such an idiot.

I growl and quickly make a portal, "QuIcK JuMP ThRoUGh!". Nightmare quickly jumps through and I soon follow after him.

Dream's POV

Damn it, they left. I can't believe they were holding hands! Are they a couple or something? Oh no, Ink won't be very happy with this. Ink has recently told me and Blue that he has a crush on Error! Who would have thought that he would like him? I sigh, I feel like Ink may be using me but he wouldn't do that, would he? I make a portal and jump through to the Star Sans's base, to be honest, sometimes the bright colours hurt my eyes. I act like usual and skip over to Ink and blue. "Hello Ink, Blue!", I happily smile at them. I wonder if I should tell Ink about Nightmare and Error, should I?

~You guys can vote if you want Dream to tell Ink or not :3~

*Tell Ink


*Don't Tell Ink

"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson 

A Glitch And A Nightmare ( Error x Nightmare ) !DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now