~Chapter 26~ Before the Vacation

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3rd Person

The morning of the vacation soon arrived and all four skeletons were pumped. Blue was the first one to be awake despite having his recent injuries. Old habits never die. Neat folded clothes were fitted into a baby blue suitcase. Blue let out a small sigh as he finished packing and zipped up his suitcase. "Hopefully this vacation goes alright.." His voice was a hushed whisper as his lover was still sleeping. Blue yearned to see Dream's beautiful face again but he knew he would never be able to anymore. His hand trailed up to his broken sockets and gave them a few small rubs, slightly flinching at the stinging pain. The time on the clock read 6:00am, their flight was at 10:00am. 

Blue placed his suitcase next to their bedroom door. He walked out of the room and down the hall to Error's and Nightmare's room. Blue was going to open the door but he hesitated, remembering the noises he heard last night. "They'll probably need some extra sleep." He let out a small chuckle and continued his way down stairs. Blue guided his way to the kitchen and felt around for the fridge. Once he found the fridge he opened it up and began to feel around for the milk. After he grabbed the milk he placed it onto the counter and then got the cereal, bowl and spoon. Blue took his breakfast and went to go sit on the couch, pressing the power button to turn on the TV. 

After at least 30 minutes of watching TV. Dream came down the stairs and smiled at the sight of his lover. "Hey love." Blue looked to where he heard the sound of Dream's voice. "Hello Dreamy! How was your sleep?" Dream now made it to the bottom of the stairs and sat down next to Blue on the plush couch. "I slept alright although I missed your warmth in the morning.." Dream whined and clung onto Blue's side. Blue wriggled around in his embrace while laughing. "You know I'm a morning person sunshine." Dream laughed along with him. "I know but still, can you stay in bed a little longer next time? You even smell like blueberries!" Blue was slightly surprised at the response but still continued to laugh. "Oh? I smell like blueberries? Heh, that's convenient." Dream nodded and placed a small kiss to Blue's cheek. "You do." 

Meanwhile with Error and Nightmare. 

 Nightmare woke up at around 7:30am and he was happily greeted by the sight of Error laying against his chest. Nightmare gently petted Error's head while watching his chest fall up and down in time with his breathing. "At times like these you wouldn't even guess that he destroys AUs." He chuckled and reached for his phone, checking the time while he was at it. "7:30, better wake up sleeping beauty soon." Nightmare clicked onto YouTube and pressed a funny cat video, he couldn't help the temptation. "Grammarly does more than catch errors-" Nightmare groaned and skipped the add but his mood was changed back to happy when he saw the cats playing with their toys. 

"Maybe we should get a cat? It would be good for Error but also for Dream and Blue." Nightmare thought about it for a few minutes or so and came down to the conclusion that they should at least talk about getting a cat or even any other house pet. Maybe even a dog? Nightmare wouldn't mind that either. 15 minutes has passed since Nightmare had woken up. "Me and Glitchy still need to pack, better wake him up." Nightmare placed his phone onto the bedside table and gently shook Error. "Glitchy? It's time to wake up~" Error stirred in his sleep but he soon woke up. Nightmare immediately greeted him with a gentle kiss to his lips. Error melted into the loving gesture, wrapping his arms around Night's neck. A few minutes passed and they finally separated from the kiss. Nightmare smirked as he thought of a flirty response. 

"I forgot to say but last night you were absolutely gorgeous~" Error blushed up a storm and lightly punched Nightmare in the face. Reflexes. Well- maybe lightly isn't the right word because Nightmare would definitely have a bruise. "Oh shit! Sorry Night! Reflexes!" Nightmare rubbed his now sore cheek. "Ow. But I'll let it pass since you're just too cute to get mad at~" Nightmare continued with the teasing for a good solid 5 minutes. 

Error lightly shoved him away, this time it was lightly. Error rolled to the side and turned on Nightmare's phone. "8:00?" Error paused for a few moments. "Shit! 8:00! Night we're gonna be late for our flight! It takes at least an hour to get to the airport and we still need to pack!" Nightmare placed a hand to Error's cheek. "Sweetheart, we can teleport." Error made a small 'ohhh' sound. "I forgot about that but we should still start packing, plus we gotta have some breakfast as well. Better safe than sorry." Nightmare chuckled and smiled. "You're right, lets get packing." 

( I'm aliveeee! Sorry for the very long wait, lots of crazy things have been happening recently but more updates should be coming out soon! Have a lovely day/night! Cya next time! ) 

A Glitch And A Nightmare ( Error x Nightmare ) !DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now