~Chapter 7~ I wish I could tell you..

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Dream's POV

I look down at Blue lovingly, I look into his glowing blue heart pupils. "Blue, I love you, I want to protect you for long as I live and love you till the day I die", I calmly say while planting a kiss on the top of his skull. He erupts with a bright blue blush while looking up to me, "I l-love you too D-Dream". I smile at his words, I can finally cuddle with him! I let go of him and sit down on a hill that was facing the stars, I lightly pat the spot next to me. He plops beside me and we cuddle while star gazing.

"Blue, what do you think about Ink?"

"I think that he is obsessed with Error, I don't like Ink anymore. Its like he changed into someone else"

"Thats exactly what I thought too!"

"He hits me a lot too so I also don't like him for that...."

"I won't let him hurt you ever again, I promise"

I wrap my arm around Blue's waist and pull him closer to me in a protective manner. I have decided, we won't go back to Ink. We don't need him.

Nightmare's POV

Me and Error ran away from the awkward scene. "OuR iCeCREamS!", he screams while frowning. I shake my head and try to process what we just saw, my brother got a boyfriend before me?! Well, Im kinda not surprised by that but he actually was kissing someone and that someone was Blue!

They seemed so in love..

I turn my head to see Error pacing around back and forth. "You okay Glitchy?", I asked him. I got no response. I sigh and place a hand on his shoulder and he jumps, "gaH!". I rub his shoulder a bit, "Chill, its just me!" I say while trying to re-assure him. I see him slowly start to calm down. I hum lightly to help him calm down from everything that has happened.

"Lay your head on me~"

" As I fall asleep~"

Error hugs me and my face turned to pure blush, he was hugging me! So, I continue to sing to him.

"Put your arms around mine~"

"Stay here by my side~"

"We're the lucky ones~"

"Only just begun~"

"Other's live too young~"

"We're the lucky ones~"

Error started to fall asleep so I sat down so he could sleep peacefully, he lay on my lap with his head on my chest. I couldn't help myself from blushing, he looked too cute! No- Stop this nonsense Nightmare! My body moved on its own and before I knew it, I kissed the top of his skull. "I love you Error..."

~ Song that Nightmare was singing~


*Error hears Nightmare


*Error doesn't hear Nightmare

A Glitch And A Nightmare ( Error x Nightmare ) !DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now