~Chapter 20~ Spoilers

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Ink's POV 

Hahaha! Nightmare really thinks he scares me? Boo hoo. He doesn't. My eye-lights linger on the prize, Blue~ Now now, I have no feelings for Blue but he is very useful in my plan. Actually, he is a big part of the little game I am playing. 

My gaze redirects to Error, my sweet sweet love. Error just makes me melt. His smile, his laughter, his eyes, his personality, the way those delicate hands move while wrapping up his victims, I love all of it~ 

Focus Ink. It's time for phase 2~ 

??? POV 

Hello readers! Phase 2 you may ask? Well, little Inky over here has actually thought of a decent plan. Surprising I know. Does it possibly mean taking away Dream's precious little Blue? Of course! I am really excited to see how this one turns out~

But I don't want to give any spoilers~ 

Blue's POV 

I felt his eyes on me like cheap perfume. The way Ink would look me up and down, I know he is planning something bad. Really bad. I quickly shuffle a little closer to Dream and hug his arm. "Dream?.." I whisper to him. Dream looks over to me and places his hand on my cheek. "Yes?". I look at him and then glance back to Ink, I keep repeating this motion hoping that he would get the message. Dream slowly catches on. His smile turns into a frown as soon as he realises how Ink was looking at me. Dream slings his arms around my waist and holds me close, shooting daggers at Ink with a cold glare.

He mouths the words, 'Don't even think about touching him'. Dream makes me feel safe but I can't help but feel that this time, luck isn't on our side. The lights start to flicker. I hold onto Dream tighter as the room goes pitch black. I heard the sound of chains breaking apart. This can only mean one thing, Ink has escaped.....

Out of nowhere, hands grab me from behind and pull me into a portal. I feel myself be blindfolded as I am shoved onto cold ground. A cell I presume. "I-Ink?", my voice is croaky and dry. I feel like the wind has been knocked out of my nonexistent lungs. A deep cackle submerges right beside me. "You got that right little berry~". His voice alone sends shivers down my spine.

"Why? Why are y-you doing this?". I thrash around as I feel chains tie around my wrists and ankles. My neck gets chained as well, "Why~? I want- no. Need Error in my arms and the only way it seems I can do that is kidnapping you~! But don't worry, I won't hurt you. Yet". Tears start to form in my sockets but I stop them from falling, I'm not going to give into this pathetic man. "Leave us alone! Why isn't that so hard to do?! You crazy bitch!". As soon as those words left my mouth, I soon regretted it as my head was shoved against the icy wall. Ink continued to bang my head against the wall screaming things like, 'You don't understand', 'Error is mine!'. 

Warm liquid drips down my face and I can only guess it is blood. I know that my skull must be cracked by now, damn..

I feel myself slowly start to lose consciousness but before I do, I hear a deep male voice speak to me. 


A Glitch And A Nightmare ( Error x Nightmare ) !DISCONTINUED!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora