~Chapter 27~ The Huts and The Show

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The four skeletons arrive at their destination: a deserted island AU where little huts and bars have already been set up as large palm trees scatter across the shores. 

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After an enormously long plane trip, the four skeletons had finally arrived to their destination. All of them were excited and eager to relax and maybe have a few bottles of alcohol. Error raised his hand for shade as he looked up at the sun with a slight squint. 

"Why does it have to be so sunny?" His comment raised a few giggles out of the other three skeletons while Error only rolled his eyes. 

"Oh come on Error! Loosen up a little! We are here to relax after all." Blue turned his head in the general direction of Error's voice, he was getting much better at navigating things without his eyesight over the past couple of weeks. 

"I personally have to agree with Error. Things would be much more nicer if it was nighttime and if these palm trees were replaced with a haunted forest." Nightmare laughed; casually wrapping an arm around Error's waist as the four friends walked over to where the main huts were located.

The four of them had already planned to split into couples when it came down to huts but would do everything else as a group when it came to the outdoor activities. Error and Nightmare chose the biggest hut out of the many that filled the beach while Blue and Dream chose a more smaller and simple hut. The huts might not look like much on the outside but once on the inside they turned into a 5-star hotel room, courtesy of magic of course. Everything is bigger on the insider. (There huts are basically a Tardis.) 

Error soon arrived at his and Nightmare's chosen hut with a slight sigh of relief. They had been walking for a little while now. "Well Nighty, ready to enjoy our holiday?" Error looked over his shoulder to his goopy boyfriend with a lopsided smirk. "Of course I am." Nightmare returned the smirk as he opened the wooden door to the hut. The inside was a clear case of juxtaposition to the outside of the hut. 

An idea of what the inside was like: 

An idea of what the inside was like: 

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A Glitch And A Nightmare ( Error x Nightmare ) !DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now