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Hello! Yes, the chapter will be coming out shortly but to apologise for the long wait...

I decided to share with you guys a short little story that I wrote about like a year ago? I would only write this in school and the grammar isn't the best. So I hope you don't mind! I just wrote the last little part for it now since I didn't finish it!

So while you wait for my lazy butt to post a chapter, you can read dis! ^^

Everyone grab your popcorn!





Nootmare cheats 

*The lights go dim and the movie starts to play* 

Error glared at Nightmare "You asshole!", Nightmare was taken back. Error was holding the newspapers, the title bold and clear 'Nightmare caught having an affair?'. Tears dropped onto the floor from Error, the love of his life had an affair. Error threw a small box at Nightmare, with shaky hands Nightmare opened it, a positive pregnancy test was inside. Nightmare gasped "Is it mine?", Error nodded. Nightmare smiled and went to hug Error, but Error pushed him away "Don't touch me! You won't be in this child's life". Error took back the small box as he began to walk away, Nightmare grabbed his hand. "Wait! Error, please". Error growled "Fuck off". Nightmare flinched, Error was never going to forgiving him. "You had sex with someone else!" Error yelled at Nightmare. Nightmare started to tear up "I didn't mean too..", "That's bullshit!". Error bitch slapped Nightmare across the face, "You had the nerve to bring him into our bed! OUR BED". Nightmare had a bruise on his cheek from the smack. Error growled "Now leave me alone!", Nightmare grabbed Error and pinned him to the ground "I'm not letting you go!". Error tried biting him, but Nightmare quickly dodged. Error's eyes were broken, Nightmare felt a pang of guilt in his heart. Error teared up "Why can't I get over you?!". Nightmare caressed Error's cheek "Please give me another chance..".


*Don't forgive

*Don't Forgive

"Ha! Fuck no!" Error growled while smirking. "You really think I would forgive you?! What a JOKE!" Error yelled while laughing. Nightmare tried to hug Error, but Error had already backed away "Get over it N I G H T M A R E" Error snickered. Error wasn't even using any nicknames, Error didn't give a shit. Error kicked Nightmare in the balls and walked away. Nightmare fell to the ground "Ow..". Error laughed and that was the end, Error was never coming back to Nightmare.


Error sighed "I forgive you.." Nightmare smiled and hugged Error close. Error started to tear up as he buried his face in Nightmare's chest. Nightmare softly rubbed his back "Shhhh". Error choked on a sob "D-Don't ever cheat again..". Nightmare frowned "I promise". Error looked up to Nightmare and leaned in for a kiss, Nightmare leaned in too. They kissed for a good 5 minutes, it felt right, and Error felt a small spark of hope blossom.

*A Few Years Later*

Error had found out Nightmare had another affair, this time he was done, he took his kids and packed up his things. Error made his way to the front door, he could hear Nightmare and another guy's moaning coming from the bedroom. Error teared up as he quickly left, he didn't even leave a note, he was just gone. Error moved to a different AU where nobody lived, he made a small cottage, the place was truly beautiful. Bright blue skies, soft green grass and the sun was always shining.

*A Year Later*

Error's POV

Tenpatch and Raider ran off to the park, gosh, they know how to scare me! I quickly ran to them and picked them up, showering them in kisses "Don't ever scare me like that again!". "We are sorry mum", both boys say. I look up and my eyes lock onto Nightmare's, no...

He isn't supposed to be here...


Nightmare stares at the kids "They are so grown up now..", Error growled "Leave me and MY kids alone you cheater". "Error, please! I left that other guy to be with you", "I gave you two chances and you blew them!".

The kids looked up to Nightmare "Daddy?", Nightmare feels his heart fill with guilt. Error grabs his kids hands and begins to walk away, Nightmare grabbed Error's hand "Please don't leave, not again..", Error looks back to him "This is your fault..". Nightmare turned around and kissed Error, the children pushed Nightmare away, Tenpatch growled "Don't touch my mother!". Nightmare grabbed Error by the waist and teleported him to the mansion. Error squirmed "Let me go!", Nightmare shook his head. "I hate this place, I hate it so much..", Error teared up and then gasped. "WHERE ARE MY CHILDREN?!", Nightmare sighed and motioned to some rooms upstairs "They are in those rooms". Error let out a sigh of relief "Now, leave me and my kids alone". Nightmare pinned Error to the couch. Error growled at him but then he started to laugh, "HAHAHAHAH! Wow, you're really funny Nightmare! You think you can just kidnap me, pin me to a couch and expect me to swoon over you?! Newsflash, I realised how shit you were to me. You never considered how I felt, you never did! So, could you kindly fuck off?". Nightmare sighed and nodded. "You're right...I have been selfish and didn't realise how good I had it until it was gone. You are my light, my sunshine Error. Please.....I want another chance and I know how much you hate me but I miss you and I don't want our kids growing up with no dad. Please, let me have this last chance. If I fuck this up, you can kick me out and I will never bother you again". Error thought about his options before letting out an exaggerated groan. "Fine. But if you screw me over like last time then I won't hesitate to leave you and your sorry ass behind again". Nightmare smiled gently, "Thank you...but maybe for now we should just start off as friends". Even though Error hated his guts, he finally realised that he needed to sort things out with Nightmare. Error chuckled lightly, "Okay, friends it is".


Hoped you liked it! Also sorry about the writing being really small, I copied and pasted it from Word because that's where I originally wrote it! Back when I was writing this, I had a lot of fun! It was just so much drama XD I also put wayyyyy too many commas in that but it's okay! ^^ 

And btw sorry if it was all over the place, when writing this I just wanted drama so it was kinda all jumbled. ALSOOO there is probably a bunch of people who have wrote about this concept, sorry if it sounds unoriginal. 

Have a good day/night! 

A Glitch And A Nightmare ( Error x Nightmare ) !DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now