Chapter 20

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At 925 Buildings...

In the darkness of night, one's body was moving to find something on the desk. The neatly arranged files on the bookshelf are pulled one by one to see its contents. Two files arranged on the table were also flipped.

Finally, she opened the drawers of the desk. She can find what she is looking for. But she is wise. She did not take that file immediately. She just took the picture of the information she needed. When she has finished taking some pictures, she wants to put back the file to its original place. But failed because the office room door suddenly opened from the outside.

The office owner froze with his hand still on the doorknob as he looked at his own desk.

"Oppa?" Spontaneously the intruder mentioned the name of the owner of the office that was being broken into.

"Gyo ah? Why didn't I know you were back here?" Hyun Bin shocked.

No wonder why when he contacted Hye Gyo two days ago, all sorts of reasons were given by Hye Gyo's secretary to disconnect the line. Apparently, she had flown to Seoul!

"What are you doing here?" Hyun Bin asked again.

Once Hyun Bin arrived at his desk, he switched on the desk lamp. His eyes straight away saw the file in the hand of the woman in front of him at that moment.

"Gyo ah ..." Hyun Bin's warning voice hissed out.

"What?" Hye Gyo fought bravely without any guilt. Her sharp eyes narrowed, against Hyun Bin's eyes.

"I told you, we will ..." Hyun Bin continued.

"You said it! I never agreed with what you said!" Hye Gyo squealed loudly. She has lost her temper with Hyun Bin's behaviour who is forgetting who he really is.

"That's my final word. I don't need your consent, just like I didn't ask for your consent when I started all this." Hyun Bin said.

Hye Gyo was stunned when her self-esteem was rejected as easily as that. So, all this time Hyun Bin never considered her as one of the plans to bring down Son Tae Pyeong before? No wonder why she did not know about Hyun Bin's decision at all. If it weren't for Seok Jin giving a hint, maybe she would still be faithful waiting like an idiot at Jeju Island.

"It's that easy for you to change your decision? Is it all because of that woman?" Hye Gyo referred to that 'woman' is Hyun Bin's wife.

"Gyo ah, this is not the time."

"What? It's not the time to hurt that woman, right? Oppa, tell me. Do you really love the daughter of that scumbag? Do you really think the old man daughter has a pure heart? Is she not at all affected by her Papa's evil heart?" Hye Gyo slammed the file in her hand on the desk.

Hyun Bin took a deep breath. Both his hands were tucked into the pockets of the jogger pants he was wearing. He calmly looked at Hye Gyo who was going crazy. He had just returned after spending two hours with Nam Gil at the gym. He stopped at the office just to pick up the stuff at his lounge. He did not expect this situation to be waiting for him there. The freedom given to go in and out of his office has been misused.

"Just as I don't like anyone to insult you in front of me, I expect the same courtesy from you. Don't talk bad about my wife in front of me." Hyun Bin calmly warned.

He deliberately put the same treatment that was once given to Hye Gyo, so that this woman is self-aware. There is no real difference between these two women. They are his family. Besides to his love for Ye Jin, Hye Gyo was never treated badly.

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