Chapter 13

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It has been several nights since Hyun Bin did not return home. He spent the night in his office. In the darkness of his office, he sat pensively thinking of something.

Ye Jin is pregnant.

And he will be going to be Appa.

Slowly he smiled without having to be forced after all day he had a tight and sour face. He already imagined the image of their child that he would kiss and hug every day.

Is it a boy or girl? He recalled Ye Jin so much wanting a daughter. Will their baby inherit Ye Jin's beauty and tenderness? He does not mind having a daughter as their first child. Because for him, woman is more deserving of being given the responsibility as the head for her siblings later.

"Eomeoni... Bin will be going to be Appa." Hyun Bin spoke to a picture frame on his desk with dim eyes.

"Eomeoni, you will have another grandchild. You must be joyful."

His mother's smile in the picture of the frame was flat only

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His mother's smile in the picture of the frame was flat only. Hyun Bin knew that his mother was quite satisfied with all her efforts as a mother and also a father for Hyun Bin and his siblings.

What are the words that his mother will say to him if she is still alive?

In the past, Hyun Bin was dissatisfied and made cynical comments about life that felt unfair after seeing Son Tae Pyeong's name become a well-known developer in newspapers and TV.

Papa Son has been successful in the business world by using dirty tricks. Many souls were killed including Hyun Bin's father and also Hye Gyo's parents for his evil deeds. Son Tae Pyeong is a cruel man!

 Son Tae Pyeong is a cruel man!

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Flashback six years ago...

"Life is unfair. How can a man like Son Tae Pyeong succeed without going through suffering?"

"Bin ie, Eomeoni never taught my children to be revengeful."

Typical advice of a mother. Repeatedly. But Hyun Bin is also a typical son. The advice is like go in one ear and out the other. The numbness in his heart still hurt every time he saw or heard Son Tae Pyeong's name.

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