.:Chapter 23:.

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Natsu.. Did the most UNEXPECTING MOVE EVER!!

His forehead laid on mines! It wasn't a bashing feeling, more a soft hit. I felt heat surround me on the inside as my cheeks flared up, my (s/t) face turned red. 'What is he thinking?' I thought as I stared at those onyx eyes of his. I guess I like him.. But why? Was it because of Lisanna's request? Was it because of my first encounter with him again? I don't know but something draws me to him..

He smirked at my burning cheeks and poked it lightly. Before lifting my chin up a little, as his regular, a bit tanned, skin tone boomed red. We stood millimetres away from each other, our lips soon closing in.. We closed our eyes, ready and prepared for the smoking hot lip to lip action scene.


Of course we heard Gray cough, trying to gather our attention. I sadly, and forced myself, opened my eyes and same goes for Natsu. We looked at them first. Gray was smirking, Erza was blushing deep red, Lucy was giggling, I think the male called Elfman was shouting "MAN!" before getting both "Lucy kick" to the face and Erza's dark glare which made him stop and pipe down, and the one called Romeo had his eyes widen open.

And to top it all up..

Both Natsu and I heard Happy mumbled "Natsu and (Name) likeeeee each other.." I bet my face literally or metaphorically turned into a tomato. 'Oh god.. Please let it be a dream..' I thought as I looked a Natsu's responds.

He just stood there, smirking at me as an arm flew around my waist. 'IS HE CRAZY?!? HE'LL JUST MAKE ME BLUSH EVEN MORE!!' I thought as red blush literally covered me.

He leaned down to me and whispered into my ear "I hope you don't mind if I do this.." I blinked in confusion and before I could respond.. He kissed the top of my forehead and lean back after the quick kiss. I could feel myself blushing a lot.

I turn to the crew to see Lucy and Erza blushing deep red and 'supporting' me and the males where talking about the 'kiss'. Gray and Elfman came up with random questions not able to make Natsu blush. But Romeo's question hit Natsu in the core as he blushed a thousand shades of red. "R-Romeo it's nothing like that!" Natsu said, stuttered a little and started shaking his head side to side. "Are you sure Natsu-nii, you don't sound sure of yourself." Romeo stated pretty obviously. "Uhh.." Natsu blushed more and darker within the time period, like he was unable to make up his mind.

'I wonder what are they talking about?' I thought.

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