.:Chapter 47:.

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We both shouted at each other. It was Lisanna. "Are you guys gonna watch the Grand Magic Games, too?!" An interruption, Natsu, blocked me. "Yeah." Elfman continued to speak, a bit calmer than our super excited Dragon Slayer over here. "To be honest, I wanted to be in it myself and show-off to Lisanna and Nee-Chan, but giving up is also a MAN!" Soon the convestion continued to Erza as it got repeated to everyone else but me and Lisanna.

"Tell me.. Why are you here too? Hn?" I said as we continue to give each other death glares. "It's pretty obivous (Name)-Chan, Elf-nii-chan needed help and I was chosen first. Unlike you." She spouted out, like poison to my ears. "I swear after the Grand Magic Games... I will kill--" Soon a felt a hand on my right shoulder. I saw the tint of aggregation rising up on Missy Animal Soul-er. I turn behind, only to be suffocated by Natsu.

"N-n-Natsu! I-I can't--" "Sorry (Name)." He said, lighty blushing peachy-pink. I froze as my cheek burned. My god. This 'threatening'--or how I put it--feeling is really weird, makes me feel sappy in a good way. But still..

As soon as Natsu let go, everyone in the room except for Lisanna and Happy got picked up and squeezed pretty tight. I seriously I felt I lost my soul there..

After he gave us a great boost from the start, we were finally in the Sky Labyrinth. "Amazing.." I said, looking around the float isles of concrete and other doors and stairs too. There were even random pieces of land from a fairy tale, or something like that.

"Yeah," Natsu said. "It's really--GRAY" I turn to him and stared. "It is really Gray?" I said, laughing as Erza, Gray, Lucy and Elfman were talking about compasses. "T-that wasn't what I was going to say!" He mildly shouted as he flung his arms in my shoulder, gripping them lightly, before rocking me back and forth at inhuman speed.

After he realized what he done, my head started to spin, as my vision spun around the labyrinth. "Sorry (Name).." He said as he embarrassedly scratched the back of his head. I just gave him a nod, still unable to regain my stability.

After a short period of time, we met up with Twilight Ogre. "Hey you Fairies over there! We are gonna beat you-- AHH!" They shouted as a sculpture of a giant head that laid in the middle of the labyrinth, started to flash it's red eyes. Soon all the members of Twilight Ogre fell of their small, little island and fell all the way downwards.

"You guys!" I shouted as both Natsu's and Lucy's footsteps became irregular and they both wander off to the edge. "Sky Dragon's," I said as I gripped on the island, focusing more magic energy behind me, or to be more specific, on my back. As Lucy ad Natsu fell, I told Elfman to stay on the platform as well as the others.


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