Chapter 10: Poison

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~~~~Artemis POV~~~~

"What's wrong?!? Why did you stop?!" I demand. Apollo stares at Percy, and I see Percy go slack indicating he is unconscious.

"There's a poison..." Apollo mutters before placing his hands back on Percy shaking his head. Light encases them once more. Judging by the look on Apollo's face he is having problems fixing whatever poison it is. The light reciedes and Apollo races out of the room.

"Where are you going?!" I shouts at him. I sigh and look up at Simon and Liz. Simon is staring at Percy worriedly and Liz has silent tears streaming down her face. I stand up and gently pull her into a hug. Apollo comes running back into the room with papers in his hand. He reads them while pacing back and forth.

"Apollo!?!?!?! What's going on??" I demand once again. He looks up at me with a sad look on his face.

"Lycaon must have gave him the poison knowing we would come!" A look of relazation crosses his face.

"What poison?" Simon demands.

"There is no name for it, and only certain people could even get a hold of it. There is only one thing we can do. The poison slowly kills the person from the inside out. Thats why he was so cold, well part of it. It was already taking effect. The only thing we can do is...." Apollo looks at us all sadly.

"What???" Liz exclaims.

"We have to restart his life. The only way to get the poison out is to turn him into a child. Starting from when he was a newborn. He would age a year a day but thats the only way. The only problem is his body may not be able to restart. If his body refuses to become a newborn and age a year a day then it will kill him, but if we don't then he will die anyway. If we do this you will have to treat him just like whatever age he is. Everyday all the memories of that year will come back to him. Stopping when he turns 17. The age he is now." Apollo says.

"Do it." Liz says determined to get her Percy back. Simon and I nod in agreement. A bright light encases Percy and within minutes there lays a baby screaming at the top of there lungs, and within seconds Simon has the baby in his arms rocking him. The baby stops crying but is still sniffling a little.

"Its because of the change. He might be grumpy today because his body as just forcefully shrunk into a newborn size." Apollo says looking at Percy.

"I never expected you to be good with kids." I say, watching the baby smile at Simons silly faces.

"I care about Percy more than you would think. We were never able to have kids and when I was a kid my dad abused me slightly. Nothing like what happened to Percy but enough to make me hate abuse more than anything. So when I found out about Percy I knew I had to be there for him no matter what. He needed someone so I became that someone. Did he ever tell you how we met? It made me want to protect him even more and when the pack started complaining about Percys nightmares... I don't think I had ever been so mad." Simon says while rocking Percy to sleep.

"No... He never told me about it. He was always vague about his life." I say. A smile smile forms on his face but he still doesn't look away from Percy.

"I figured he would be. He was always afraid someone would see him like something he isn't because of his past. I used to like Lycaon. I was always there for him and he was for me, and one day I was in his tent. The tents we sleep in are huge even bigger than yours. They have multiple rooms, and Lycaon walked out for something. Maybe to get someone else? I can't remember but Percy's little head poked around the corner. He thought the person that left was me and was coming to tell his dad he was done with his chores. When I saw him I was confused but when he saw me he started shaking and immediantly ran back into the room he came from. Shocked I followed him. I seen him curled up in a ball in the corner of the room. When he saw me streams of tears start pouring down his face. He was obviously abused and terrifed for his life. After a lot of coaxing and trying to prove I wouldn't hurt him he told me who he was, and suddenly Lycaon burst into the room. He gave Percy the worst look I could ever imagine. His tears increasing by a 100 times, and he started begging to not be hit. I demand to know who he was, and Lycaon had a look of pure anger on his face. He started telling me this horrible stuff about Percy. Stuff like what a waste for space he was and how he shouldn't have been born, and during all of this I kept my eyes on Percy. His knees were pulled up to his chest and his head down. Judging by his body shaking he was crying, hard. When Lycaon finished telling me about Percy. I stood up and punched him in the face before gently picing up Percy and carring him away. I brought him to my tent his eyes were wide and he was trembling horribly in fear. I wanted so badly to kill Lycaon and magically make Percy better. No child should have been what he had been through. When I sat him down he ran to the corner of the room with tears still rushing down his face. I told him my name, and immediantly I knew it would be hard to get through to him. Every morning I brought him food and talked to him for a few minutes, later that day I went and gave him new food, then at night I picked him up out of the corner he was in when I came in the morning, and tuck him in bed knowing he would get up and curl back into the corner as soon as I leave. It took me 3 days before he would eat and another 2 days before he would talk. His voice was so quiet and he apologized for everything. He trembled constantly and rarely excepted anything. He flinched when I talked loud and when I got to close. It took me almost a month before he let me touch him and not flinch and that was to carry him to the bedroom so he could sleep in bed for the first time. I HATED Lycaon after that. He abused his son horribly. He only weighed 55 pounds, and the only time a werewolf weighs under 100 pounds is when they are first born and by a year old they weigh at least a hundered pounds. He only weighed 55! To this day Percy is very underweight and if his body shows the way he looked when he was a child you will see what I am talking about. A 17 year old male werewolf should weight 150 pounds and thats the skinny ones. Now unless he has gained a lot of weight he only weighs 110, and it took me years to get him to that weight. He just didn't eat and the fact that he was starved didn't help anything. He still doesn't like to be touched and if you say his name to loudly or roughly he flinches. It kills me to see him like that, and thats why I still do everything I can for him and when I met Liz I knew she would do anything for him because Percy took an almost immediant liking to her." Simon says with his eyes closed still rocking the now sleeping child.

"Simon you have done a wonderful job with Percy." I say smiling but on the inside thinking there is a lot more to Percy than I thought.

A couple of you wanted an update so here you go! Hope you enjoy this! Sorry if it was a little confusing. Just ask if you have any questions I will try to explain.
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