Chapter 7: The life or death deal

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"Artemis?! Are you ready?" I ask looking up.

"Yeah!", She shouts, " Girls, stay here, and protect the camp. Zoe your in charge. We should be back by sunrise. If we aren't stay here until we get back." They all nod, and  I turn to Artemis and smile slightly before leading the way. The trip is mainly silent, until Artemis suddenly asks "Where are we going?"

"Oh, I forgot you weren't with us earlier. We are going to the river near the pack. Werewolf's aren't allowed to go out alone at night so nobody will be there. When I was younger and Simon first got me the only place that could calm me was being by a river. It was always my go to place. People in the pack complained about me scream during the nights I actually slept. I thought my dad was going to kill me a couple times but Simon was always there, and he never left me alone. He spent night after night awake helping me throught nightmares. I soon came to the conclusion that I needed to sleep away from the pack, so I asked Simon if I could start sleeping away from everyone, and of course he wouldn't let me be alone so both of us slept by a river and thats why we are meeting him at midnight by the river." I tell her.

"Are you related to Posideon? In anyway? Only kids of his find comfort by a river. Can you breath underwater?" Artemis asks, and I  was confused. Why would I be related to Posideon?

"I don't think so, but you would have to ask Simon to make sure. I don't know if I can. Simon never let me try." I say looking ahead. I look over at her and see she is deep in thought.

"We are almost there." I say looking toward the river up ahead. I lead her down a hill and into another group of close trees. I look around looking for anything famliar from last time. I look through the trees and see the packs camp. I see everyone gathered around the fire listening the something Lycaon is saying, and judging by the way the my few friends are shaking their head I can tell its something about me. I shake my head to get rid of those thoughts about what he could be saying. I turn left leading us down a hill. We push through the bushes and see Simon and Liz sitting on a rock talking. I look over at Artemis and smile letting her know thats them. I walk toward them, they look up and see us. They smile and Liz runs toward me. She gives me a bone crushing hug before slapping me.

"HEY!" I shout.

"Thats what you get for making me think you were dead, and imagine my suprise when Simon walks in and says at midnight we are meeting you and leaving!" She shouts back. I smile at the thought of her freaking out.

"You should know I am not easy to kill!!" I say and hear Simons booming laugh.

"That is soo true!" He says walking over to us. I narrow my eyes at him.

"Simon, Liz this is Artemis. Artemis this is Simon and Liz the people who pretty much adopted me." I say with a lot of hand gestures.

"Hi! Like he said I am Artemis." She says smiling. Suddenly Lycaon steps out of the shadows ruining the moment.

"Thats good to know. Everyone that needs to die all together, and to bad none of you are going to live long enough to get to know each other." He says with a smug look.

"Who said we are going to die?" I ask stepping toward him. He laughs and 5 more werewolfs step out.

"Oh, I don't know... me?!" He shouts laughing.

"Your not killing anyone here. Just leave." Simon says glaring at him.

"I plan on killing all of you." He says tiliting his head.

"Why?! What did they ever do to you?" Artemis demands. He smiles creeply.

"Well, Simon knows far to much, and Percy was meant to be a slave, a toy, something to beat on, and you Artemis all around deserve to die. We can't have any wittnesses so I am sorry Liz but you must be killed to." He says looking at me.

"Good luck with that." She spits out.

"We could make a deal" He says smirking.

"What kind of deal?" I demand. He smiles at me.

"Come with me. You and you alone. If you do I promise not to attack Artemis , Simon or Liz unless they attack me first." He says looking me in the eye.

"No! Thats not happening." Simon growls.

"I don't believe it is your choice, its Percys. If you turn your self over everyone and everything you care about will not be hurt. Its up to you. You know if you say no then you will be quickly overwelmed and killed. If you come with me they all live but I can't guarentee you will." He says. I look over at Simon.

"Can we have a minute?" Liz asks him.

" You have 5 minutes." He says and walks away.

"Simon! I have to! You have already done enough for me. Its time I do something for you. I am a fighter. I can get through this." I say looking at his eyes.

"No and thats final." Simon says.

"Simon, I have never disobeyed you, never doubted you but right now I am going to choose to politely ignore you. " I tell him.

"I know you guys don't know me but there are ways to find him and get him back. If he goes we get away and we can come back for him. If he doesn't go we are all doomed." Artemis says quietly. Simon glares at her.

"Simon, I agree with Artemis. You know that I love him and would do anything for him but the only way for us to survive the night is to let him go with Lycaon. He won't kill him right away. As much as it kills me to say this he will want to torture him some as a way to get revenge." Liz says with tears streaming down her face. Simon never breaks eye contact with me.

"We will come back for you. Dead or Alive. You will have your revenge and you will survive this. Remember, no matter what he tells you or has you do, you are Percy. Your one of the best people alive and I love you, and so does Liz. Never forget that and no matter what shape you are in when we come back for you we will stick with you and help you through it." He says deadly serious and still looking me in the eye.

"Thank you and I love you both to." I say and look over at Artemis.

"Keep them out of trouble will you? Make sure they don't do anything stupid and if this is the last time I see you remember that I can't thank you enough for not killing me or them. Goodbye." I say smiling sadly.

"I hate to break it to you but this won't be the last time you see me or them and know that you are welcome. You turned out to be a better person then I thought you would be." She says before I can reply a voice screams,

"TIME IS UP!! Have you made your decision?" He asks smiling like he knows what it will be.

"Yes, I will come with you."

Percy Jackson; The Abused WolfOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora