Chapter 12: Day Two

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~~~~Artemis POV~~~~

"Arty, Arty, Arty!!!!" Percy shouts from acrossed the room.

"What?!" I say walking over to him. Earlier Simon had brought in legos and Percy has been making something for an hour and wouldn't let me see! He points to a house he built.

"Simmy and Liza helped me!!" He says smiling and screaming slightly.

"Good job!" I say giving him a hug. There is a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Simon shouts, and the door opens and the other Gods are standing there.

"Hey, Percy?!" Apollo asks picking him up.

"Whatty Powo?" Percy says looking at him cutely.

" Do you want to leave this room for a while?" He asks, and Percy nods frantically.

"Are you sure? By the time we get back you might hurt a little is that ok?" Apollo asks worriedly.

"Like yesterday?" He says quietly.

"Yeah, kinda like that."

"Thats ok." He says and nods while smiling again. Apollo sits him down on the bed and unhooks his IV. Percy looks up at Simon and reaches for him. Simon chuckles before picking him up.

"Lets go!" Apollo says leading the way out. We follow him to the livingroom where he has two huge couches and a recliner. Simon sits Percy down before sitting next to Liz and me on the couch. Zeus goes to sit in the recliner but Percy jumps up, and rushes over beating him to it.

"Hey! Thats my seat!" Zeus shouts.

"Mine!" Percy says crossing his arms. Simon goes to say somthing but I give him a pointed look not to. He raises his eyebrow, but doesn't say anything.

"I will blast you with my lighting bolt!" Zeus threatens. Percy sticks his tongue out and shakes his head.

"Percy, come over here! Let Zeus sit down." Apollo says smiling at the stubborn child.

"Your name is Zuey??" Percy says looking at Zeus smiling.

"No my name is not Zuey! Now move so I can sit!" Zeus demands.

"Me sit here Powo says so! Zuey over there!" Percy says point to an empty seat. Zeus glares at Apollo before sitting beside Hera and Hades.

"My name is not Zuey!" He says indignantly.

"Zuey! Who you?" Percy says looking at everyone else.

" I am Zeus!" Zeus booms loudly and Percy flinches at the loud noise.

"I am Hera." She says calmly.

"I am Hades." He says smiling at the child.

"Posideon." He states.

"Ares." He mumbles.

"I am Athena." She says properly.

"Hermes" He says while looking around the room.

"Hesphestus." He grumbles

" The Camp freaks call me Mr.D" He says smugly.

"Hestia" She says quietly. Percy looks around for a minute before saying,

"Zuey, Hairy, Hade, Posieon, Airy, Athea, Hermy, Hety, D!! Right?" Percy says looking at Simon.

"Close enough." He says Percy smiles and stretches out in the chair.

"Whats your name?" Hestia asks him.

"Percy!" Percy shouts, but then flinches at the loud sound he made.

"Why do you keep flinching??" Athena asks.

"The loud sounds effect hurt his ears, and even sounds he makes hurt his ears. He has yet to learn to control his hearing to make loud noises not so bad, but even full grown wolfs flinch at loud noises." Liz says glancing at Percy.

"Good to know." Zeus says quieter than before. Suddenly a growl fills the room. I turn and see Simon glaring at somthing. I follow his gaze and there is LYCAON! Percy notices him and hides behind Simon who is now standing.

"WHO ARE YOU?" Zeus screams. I notice Simon flinch and Percy whimper and cover his ears. Lycaon how ever looks uneffected by the noise.

"I am Lycaon. Father of the young boy hiding behind Simon, and I have come to request to get him back but judging by your looks my request is not going to be fufilled easily." He says looking at Simon.

"No, its not. Percy has been forced to return to his youth because of you. He does NOT need another 15 days filled with beatings and pain." Simon says low and dangerous as if daring Lycaon to do something.

"I never hurt him unless it was for his own good." Lycaon says.

"REALLY?? When I first found Percy he was afraid of everything. It took me forever to get him to finally talk and be active. He flinched everytime you hugged him and to this day he still does, and even after I found him you still hurt him. Imagine trying to explain why their dad hits them and acts like he doesn't like them to a 6 year old. Its hard and many nights we had to help him through a nightmare or calm him down because he was crying so hard." Simon shouts.

"Crying is for the weak. When he was with me, he knew better than to cry." Lycaon says.

"Because he was scared he was going to get beat!" Simon shouts. Percy whimpers again at the loud noise and presses his hands closer to his ears.

"LEAVE!" Simon says so loud he flinches slightly. Lycaon however isn't effected.

"If Percy was with me none of this would happen. He would not be flinching and covering his ears!" Lycaon shouts on purpose.

"Lycaon, I am giving you one chance. LEAVE!" Simon growls.

"Until next time." He says and flashes out. We all look over at Percy. He has his knees against his chest and head down with his hands covering his ears and judging by the way his back is shaking he is crying.

"Percy...." Liz says and she walks toward Percy. She sits down in front of him just as Simon sits beside him with his back against the wall.

"Percy? You can uncover your ears." Liz says quietly. Percy slowly uncovers his ears but doesn't look up.

"Was that daddy? When I saw him memories of being hit and in pain came back." Percy mutters, and without hestitaion Simon pulls Percy in to a hug.

"It will be ok." Simon says quietly while holding the now teary eyed Percy.

"How has the boy been?" Zeus asks watching Simon comfort him.

"As good as a 17 year old boy in a now 2 year old body can be." I say and look over at Percy, only to find him not there and Simon smiling. I follow his gaze and see him and Apollo playing with toy cars. Apollo whispers something to Percy and he laughs, and this gets most of other attentions and they all look over.

"I am not going to ask." Zeus says shaking his head at his son playing with a two year old.

Some of you guys asked for updates so here you go! Hopefully you found stubborn Percy as funny as I did!
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