Chapter 24: The First Watch

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**WARNING~~ There will be random POV changes through out the next couple chapters!!**

~~~Percy's POV~~~

Simon left about 30 minutes ago, and has been reporting how far away he is to me, and I have been telling everyone else. I never knew the Big House had so many rooms. We are currently on the second floor of the Big House, and we are in a large room kinda like a living room. The Camper, and Hunters are all doing random things to stay entertained until they are needed while Liz, Chiron, and I are all sitting around a table waiting for Simon to report back at where he is at. About 10 minutes later he talks in my mind.
We are about 15 minutes away.
Wait, until they switch before you move in. I tell him back. He doesn't reply, but I know he heard me.

"They are 15 minutes away. I told Simon to wait till they are switching before moving in. That gives him about a minute window to get everyone where they need to be. Maybe 2 depending on the guards." I tell them.

~ Simon's POV ~ Current time Midnight ~

The timing is perfect as we arrive. We talked about where everyone is going before we got this close, and as I watch the guards change places I signal for everyone to take there place.
The guards have finished swtiching if your not in your assigned place take cover quickly. I am going to start going around. If you have any problems signal to the nearest person. Take note of anything that happens. When I come around I will need some type of report from everyone. Good luck, and stay safe.

I stay at the enterance of the base watching before I leave to go around. I come to the first person, and they report nothing out of the ordinary, same for the other 9 hunters/campers.
First round done. They reported nothing out of the normal. I tell Percy in his mind. Before we left we silently agreed that we would speak through Percy because of how worried, and nervous he was, so hopeful knowing we are safe would calm him down enough he can function.
Got it. How did the switch go?
Smooth enough everyone got in their places quick enough.
I can hear him let out a breath of relief in his mind. I watch the entrance of the base carefully to make sure nothing goes in.
~ Current time 3:30 AM ~

A large truck with multiple people and boxes pull up to the gate. The driver gets out and presses a bunch of buttons on a keypad outside the gate. The gate opens, and the driver pulls in, with the gates closing behind it.
Hunters! A truck just pulled into the base watch it if you can. When I come around report what it does, move slightly if you need to but don't get caught. I tell them in their minds. I then tell Percy whats happening.
A truck just pulled up about 2 minutes ago. The driver typed in a bunch of number on the keypad outside the gate, and when it opened they went in. From what I can tell this is some type of delivery, but I don't know if its a common delivery or if its something special. There was lots of boxes and people inside.
Ok, I told Artemis she is writing it down. Tell the hunters to keep an eye on the truck if they can. Try to figure out what is in the truck, but stay safe, and be careful.
I always am. I tell him back. I take one last look at the entrance, before going to get reports. Everything is a normal until I get to the 4th hunter. In her postition she has a clear view of the main building.

"The truck you reported went into that buildings back entrance, and they haven't came back out yet. I moved closer into that tree," She says pointing to a tree," From what I can tell the truck held just a regular shipment of probably weapons since they brought them to the main building."

"Ok, thanks for the report. Stay safe, and tell me if the truck moves." I tell her she nods in reply. I send a quick MM {Mind Message} to Percy telling him what she told me, before continuing on.
~ Current time 5 AM ~

Nothing much else has happened, but around 4:15 the truck left again. I am doing going around again checking in on everyone when Percy cuts through my mind.
The next group lead by Liz has left. She will meet you about 50 yards away, and to the left of the back entrance. Make sure you know where everyone is so you can direct them to the right places. They should arrive in around 45 minutes, and make sure to do at least one more round.
Ok, nothing else has happened so far. I will meet them there in around 45 minutes right?
Yeah, He replys. I check the time. By the time I go around again it will be time to meet her so I set off.
~ Current time 5:45 AM ~

I watch as Liz's team approaches.

"Hi." She says running up to me.

"Hi." I tell her back giving her a quick kiss. I immediantly start directing her team to where mine are placed at. Once all of my team members meet back up to where I am I say," Good luck, and stay safe." She repeats the words as I head off one way with my team, and she goes the other.


I was just looking at the amount of votes that I have been getting , and noticed that it decreased a lot so I was wondering if my writting has gotten worse? I am not complaining at ALL, because when I started this book I wasn't planning on getting any votes or anyone reading this story. I am thinking about starting another book with Percy being raised by Artemis, and having to go through a prophecy. Any ideas? Should I go through with it?
Vote, and Comment your ideas!!

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