Chapter 21: Cover me

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"Zoe take half of the hunters around, and to the other side of the base. Phoebe take the other half and find a place around here. Both of you stay within eye sight of the base, and make sure to get high enough they won't notice you if they abandon the base, but make sure they don't get far." Percy says nodding at them telling them to go a head. They nod and leave finding a place Zoe going one way, and Phoebe another.

"There are 10 of you campers. I need you to spread out around the base, but stay within hearing distance of each other. We need you guys to handle your own so much sure to cover each other." The nod at Percy's command and run off.

"Alright Simon, Liz I will tell let you know when you need to move in. Ok?" He asks them. They nod, and he turns to me.

"Ready?" He asks me, and I nod in reply.

"Lets go." He says taking a deep breath and nodding to Liz and Simon.

~~~~Percy's POV~~~~

I see people and wolfs walking around all doing there daily chores, and going about their lives. I suddenly put a hand up effectively stopping Artemis from walking out from behind the building we are currently standing behind. A wolf stops just around the edge of the building and sniffs before walking on. I peer around the corner to make sure no one is there before leading Artemis to the backside of the main building. I mind message Simon and say We found the building. We are trying to find a safe place to get ready.

He mind messages me back and says Ok, be safe, and tell us if anything happens. I don't reply but instead walk around to the side of the building.

"We can stop here." I say, and immediately begin getting ready and so does Artemis.

We freeze as someone walks around the side of the building, and starts screaming at the sight of us. Artemis quickly fires an silver arrow killing him but to late everyone already heard.
HELP! I shout in Simons mind.
Coming. He says back. I pull out my sword and prepare for the fight I know is coming. They rush at us giving us no time to spare, and I immediately switch to defence blocking blow after blow as Artemis slowly picks them off with arrows behind me.

"COVER ME!" She shouts turning to light the building on fire. I do as she says and start fighting even harder, and in turn start killing more, and more. The build goes up in a flare signaling to the campers and hunters the fight has begun. She spins back around and begins attacking again. Soon we are completely surrounded. Me and Artemis are back to back. She quickly switchs from a bow to a hunting knife because at such a close range the bow was doing little good.

"DUCK!" She yells. I duck without hestitation just as an arrow flys over my head. Artemis grabs her bow killing the guy standing off to the side of the fight who shot the arrow at me. Switching back to her knife she stabs another person. I swing and stab towards the wolf standing in front of me, and as soon as he dies I move on to a beefy guy with an axe. I growl switching to wolf form, and attack. He swings toward my front leg as I jump, but soon enough he is dead. I change back into human form backing back up to Artemis effectively covering her from behind again.

"Your hurt." She says over the noise. The fire is intense now and is begining to spread.

"I am fine. We need to move soon this fire is spreading." She nods, and just then Simon and Liz appear, and attack the back of the group surrounding us. Soon enough between the 4 of us we manage to kill off the group leaving me with the only injury which us in my left arm. Luckly this isn't the arm I fight with. The campers soon show up.

"Clear?" The ask us.

"Clear." We say, and run out of the base.

Sorry for the bad action scene, but I hope you enjoyed anyway! I had an archery tournament earlier and shot a 276! Me and my sister tied! That's hard to do! Hopefully your day has gone good to! Thanks for all the votes and comments so far!
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