Chapter 28: Back Again

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9:00 PM ~ Percy's POV

I let out a breath of relief when I see them slowly begin fighting their way towards us. As soon as they break through the wall of wolfs surrounding us we all split up. Me, and Artemis go one way while the others pair up and go another.
"Hey Arty!" I shout over the chaos of everything.
"Yeh?" She shouts back.
"Hows your day been so far?" I shout back smiling as I stab the werewolf I have been fighting.
"Oh not bad! A little chaotic! How about yours?" She shouts back a smile evident in her voice.
"The usual! Fighting werewolfs, and almost dying!" I shout back. We are now back to back with only a few inches between us. She spins to avoid getting hit by a flaming arrow. As she starts to fall I catch her, and smile widely knowing I can quickly tease her. She is wide eyed as I lean down and smile at her. I lean down even farther, and next to her ear, and whisper, "Good thing Zoe epically missed right?" She immediately blushes, and I smile as I lift her back to her feet before she can hit me. I spin, and continue to attack random werewolfs.
"Sorry not sorry!" Zoe shouts down from the building she is currently in.
"ZOE!" Artemis shouts but with a smile, and slight blush. I laugh slightly, and turn to see Simon standing in front of me with his arms crossed.
"Now is not the time to be flirting!" He shouts. I hear Artemis, and Zoe start laughing and I blush slightly. I glare at Simon, and he smiles inoccently.
"Zoe! Get down here! Get the other hunters! Its time to leave!" I shout looking up at her. She nods and disappears.
"Your not leaving yet." Someone says, and I freeze recognizing the familiar voice.
"Lycaon..." I growl as I spin around. Lycaon is standing there glaring at us. Lycaon slowly walks closer until he is standing about a foot away. Simon tries to move closer, but 4 more werewolfs step out, and surround us.
"I wouldn't move," Lycaon states as he steps closer to me. I tense at the closeness, but don't dare move.
"You attacked one base, and that was the first move made by you guys in the war, so I decided to make it harder for you, and I conjoined the other two bases, but yet you still manage to attack, and kill over half of my men including the trainies. Now I am going to make up pay dearly for that." Lycaon says, the campers and hunters are now all gathered around us with the remaining wolfs behind them.
"Going to make us pay? You realize your still out numbered right?" Simon growls out. I refuse to move or say anything. Lycaon is now only inches away, and is walking in circles around me. I lift my head, and meet Artemis's eyes. She flicks her eyes toward the hunters, and camper who are slowly inching there way closer. Simon, and Liz are surrounded by 3 werewolfs who keep taking turns touching her causing her to yelp slightly, and Simon to growl. Lycaon stops right in my face, and pauses. In that split second he pulls out a silver knife, and stabs me in the side. I let out a loud gasp, and stumble back slightly. I pull the knife free from my side, and drop to the ground. I feel my lung slowly start filling with blood. I cough, and blood splatters acrossed the ground. Simon growls and step forward toward me, but as quick as lightning Lycaon has the silver knife back in his hand and pointed over my side again.
"Don't." Lycaon growls. It all happens in a split second Simon attacks Lycaon, and the hunter and campers take on the other werewolfs while Liz, and Artemis run over to me. I close my eyes as I cough again. I attempt but fail at trying to make it seem not as bad. I feel blood pooring out of my side, and the aching pain of silver. Suddenly someone put lots of pressure on my side. I let out a strained groan/gasp. I soon feel darkness slowly start to come over me. I cough again, and more blood comes out, and I hear it hit the ground. I hear fighting all around me still, and can smell the strong smell of a burning building.
"Percy keep your eyes open, and on me." Artemis says as Liz works on my side. I try to keep my eyes open, but they slowly get heavier. I hear Liz let out a growl of frustration, and a sudden drop of water land on my face, and with the last little bit of energy I have I shove my eyes open only to see Artemis inches from my face crying. I stare at her for a second when something strange fills her eyes. The next thing I know is a soft pair of lips are placed on mine. I freeze not expecting a kiss but quickly relax. I slowly close my eyes again knowing this is probably the last time I will get to see her beautiful face. I kiss back, and that uses up the rest of my energy as I welcome the strong, overwhelming darkness.

So this is not exactly 'soon' but it is an update! Please vote and comment! I have been getting less and less votes and its beginning to worry me! Please tell me if me writing is getting worse! Or if the plots being dragged out!
Vote and comment!

Percy Jackson; The Abused WolfWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt