Chapter 2: Getting to know you

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~~~~Artemis POV~~~~

We didn't blow the horn till almost dark, and it only took a minute for Percy to burst back through the woods, he walks back into his cage and lays down by the tree without a word.

"Are you ok?" I ask a little worried. He shifts into a human before answering.

"I am fine. I was just visiting the places me and my friends used to hangout at." He says quietly while looking at the sky.

"I am not going to chain you back up, and you can stay in a tent if you would like." I tell him.

"No, I am good here." He says.

"You don't want a tent?" I ask looking at him like he is crazy.

"Nah, I prefer my wolf form at night." He says before laying down and getting comfortable.

~~~ Time Skip~~~

"Would you like to join us?" I ask Percy when he wakes up.

"What are you doing?" He asks curiously.

"Eating" I say , and he makes a face.

"What are you guys having?"

"Deer, we didn't know how you would want to eat it so we left some uncooked." I say. He smiles slightly.

"When I am human I eat cooked food." He says looking up at me.

"Good to know. We can save the uncooked food." I say. He nods and stands up, and follows me to the dinner table and looks around curiously.

"What?" I ask with a small smile on my face at his confused face.

"All my life, even though thats only been 17 years, I have never ate at a table." He says

"Well, here you eat at a table." I say. He smiles and sits down beside me.

~~~~ After Dinner~~~~Percys POV~~~~

I am standing by the tree in my cage watching the hunters go about their daily lives when the one I had a stare down, and fought with walks up.

"My name is Zoe Nightshade." The girl says holding out her hand. I slowly, still not trusting her, shake her hand.

"I am Percy." I say hesitantly. She opens my cage, and beckons me to come out. I raise an eyebrow, but follow her out.

"I know thou doesn't trust me nor do I trust thee but I would like to know thy person who is gaining My Lady's trust." The girl Zoe says before walking toward the woods.

"Well, your Lady has an interseting way of showing her trust." I tell her before following her to who knows where.

Once again this chapter is short and boring. I promise it gets better from here!
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