Chapter 29: Eating Habits

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~~~~Simon's POV~~~~

I glance around the room taking in everything that has happened in the last couple days. After I finally killed Lycaon I turn around to see Percy laying on his back on the ground bleeding from a wound in his midsection. I growled wanting to kill Lycaon again and even more painfully. Apollo showed up only seconds later due to Artemis's shouting his name.
Apollo gasps at the sight of Percy and starts to work on him. I fall to my knees beside him, and I flinch when I realize I kneeled in blood. Percy's blood. Apollo flashed us all to his cabin which in where we are now. I pace the room relentlessly waiting for some type of news on Percy. Apollo opens the door with a sad look on his face.
"He lost a lot of blood, and has multiple injuries to the inside and outside of his body due to Lycaon. He stabbed him with a silver knife, and it hit the edge of his lung, and broke multiple ribs. He is alive right now, but is in criticle condition. Its vital that we keep a very close eye on him. I don't think you guys realized this but you know he is severely underweight so that doesn't help anything. Right now he has about a 46% survival chance."
"He has always been underweight. Percy eats some, but not enough to fill even the tinest person up. Its not that he doesn't eat until he is full, but because he was starved so much he just doesn't have a big stomach." Liz says looking into the room worriedly.
"We will have to get his weight up when he wakes up. He won't live long with the way he is going." Apollo says and steps to the side so we can walk in. I watch as Artemis walks up to Percy.
"I approve just so you know. As long as Zeus and the fates are good with it you and Percy are a go. He needs someone like you in his life. He needs someone who will protect him from himself but at the same time will say enough is enough, and you are that person." I say. Artemis looks over at me with smile, but before anyone can say anything else a groan rips through the air. I watch as Percys eyes slowly flicker open. A soft smile races acrossed Liz's face as she watches Percy. He takes a deep breath as the heart monitor speeds up slightly indicting he is awake. Apollo flashes in smiling to.
"You my good friend NEED to eat alot more than what you do. You could have died." Apollo scolds Percy. Percy nods while closing his eyes again.
"How do you feel?" Apollo asks.
"I have been better, but I could be worse. My stomach area hurts horribly, but I will live. I feel a lot better knowing Lycaon is dead." Percy says quietly. Artemis apparently couldn't help herself any more. She leans over and kisses Percy. I smile widely and look at everyones faces. Liz is smiling, and Apollo is standing there with his jaw on the ground. Artemis looks up smiling. Hermes decides to ruin the moment by flashing in and saying there is a council meeting. Percy groans and begins to sit up.
"Where are you going?" I demand.
"Hermes said there was a council meeting." He replys. I smile at his stubborness and watch as Artemis helps him up and flashes us outside the throne room. I open the door, and everyone walks in including the limping Percy who is still leaning against Artemis. Artemis leads Percy to me before she flashes to her throne.
"I see you are beginning to recover nicely." Zeus says to Percy.
"Yes, thanks to your son Apollo." Percy replys. Apollo smiles at the compliment.
"It has also came to my attention that you and my daughter Artemis have been spending a lot of time together. I got curious and asked the fates about this, and they confirmed that you two have been going out and that you have received their blessing to break the oath made by Artemis." Zeus says. I see Percy pale at these statements.
"I would like to give you both my blessing, but Percy if you hurt my daughter you will have to answer to me, and that will not be pleasant for anyone." Zeus says.
"Of course, and no offense but if I was to hurt her I do believe she would kill me first." Percy claims and Zeus laughs in response.
"Anything else that needs to be addressed?" He asks, and when no one responds he dismisses the meeting. Everyone but us, Apollo, and Artemis flash out.
"Since you guys are going to be around Percy a lot you are going to need to make sure he eats A LOT. Here is a meal plan you NEED to follow. I will come and check up on your weight once week, and will find out if you are following this plan." Apollo says and flashes out.
~~~~ Time Skip; One Week ~~~~ Artemis's POV

The hunters took the news of me dating Percy suprisingly well. They said that if it was any other guy they would kill him. When they said this Percy paled but I laughed knowing how true that statement is. Percy, Liz, and Simon all joined the hunt and we all agreed to help out with Percy's eating, and now its time for Percy to eat. After Apollo gave Percy his eating schedule and he looked it over he paled an extreme amount. Percy is supposed to eat 3 full meals a day. After some explaining I found out Percy only ate once or twice a day instead of 3 and most of his meals were smaller than what a baby would eat, because he honestly wasn't hungry. Everyone was getting ready to eat dinner and Percy was hidding in his room refusing to come out.
"Percy! You need to eat! Apollo is going to be here in an hour and you need to eat!" I shout.
"I am NOT hungry! I just ate like 5 hours ago! You guys are going to over feed me! I am going to be bigger than my room at this rate!" He shouts back.
"No your not! You are going to be a healthy weight! You ate 5 hours ago with everyone else! Everyone else is hungry, and so should you be!!" I shout back at him. He doesn't reply but I can tell he is not coming down any time soon. I growl and shove open his door. I find him pushed up in the corner of his room, sitting on the ground. His head snaps up at the sound of the door opening, and grow wider at the sight of me. I grab his arm despite the protests and pull him toward everyone else. Everyone laughs amused at the fact I am dragging Percy to the table. Everyone knows about his eating habbits and agreed to help if he ever refused to eat. I shove him in his seat, and glanced at Simon and Liz who are sitting acrossed from us. Both of them are smiling at Percy's refusal to eat.
"Guys! I am not hungry! Can't I just skip this meal! I promise I am full! I am going to throw up if you force me to eat anymore! If I do you can't fuss at me!!" Percy complains.
"Your eating so you might as well get over it!" Simon says. Food appears in front of everyone, and they immediantly start eating. I look over at Percy only to find him glaring at his food.
"I have ate all week! I am going to combust!" Percy says.
"I don't care. Your eating." I growl at him. He ignores me, and sits there glaring. A flash fills the room, and Apollo shows up.
"Apollo! He is not eating!" I shout.
"Percy! You need to eat!" Apollo says loudly. I see Percy flinch a little before continuing glaring at his food.
"Why won't you eat?" Apollo asks.
"I am not hungry! I just ate and I am not hungry." Percy declares.
"Percy, just eat. Your not going to win this battle." Liz says, and Percy glares at her before giving in and eating.
~After dinner~
"Well Percy you seem to be slowly getting back to a healthy weight!" Apollo exclaims excitedly.
"Finally..." Percy groans. I smile at his behavior and give him a gentle kiss.
"That's your reward for eating!" I tell him. He smiles sweetly at me, and I blush a little.
"Well I guess I am going to keep eating!" Percy exclaims, and everyone laughs while I blush horribly. I gently smack his arm and whisper a rough shut up to him.
"Save it for the honeymoon!" Apollo says, and I blush even more and go to attack him, but Percy kindly stops me with a kiss. I pull back and slap him.
"Don't ever try to stop me from something with a kiss."

Well, sadly this book is coming to a close there are a only a few more updates left! I want to thank everyone who has voted, and read my story! I really appreciate it. I will try to update again soon.
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