Chapter 14: The Other Me

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~~~~Percy's POV~~~~

"Simmy! I'm hungry!" I yell jumping into his lap.

"What do you want to eat?" He ask as Liz and Artemis walk in. I shrug, not really caring what we eat.

"Come on." He says as he puts me down and begins walking toward the kitchen.

"Arty? Will you carry me??" I ask giving her the pouty lip.

"You can walk." She says looking at me.

"But my feet hurt." I tell her.

"Well, we might want Apollo to come check you out. There maybe something wrong with your feet." She says glancing at Liz.

"Nope!" I say jumping up and running out of the room after Simmy. I hear laughing behind me, and know I have been tricked. The truth is my feet really didn't hurt. I just didn't want to walk but I guess they figured that out. Who knows what Apollo would do to me trying to figure out what was wrong with my feet. I open the kitchen door and see Simmy talking to Apollo.

"Apollo!" I say jumping into his lap.

"Hey bud! We were just talking about you." He says giving Simmy a weird look.

"What about me? Hopefully not something that happened with Zeus. He is mean!" I say thinking about all the times he refused to let me sit with him.

"No, we were actually talking about a way to change you back into a 17 year old." He says.

"That was me before I got poisoned right?" I ask looking at Simmy.

"Yes, but the only problem is it could cause a lot of pain." He says looking at me unsure, and right then Liz and Arty walk in.

"Do you think we should do it? Apollo has found away to change him back to a 17 year old but he says it could cause a lot of pain depending on if his body excepts it." Simmy tells them.

"Do it." I say seriously.

"I don't remember me but its obvious you want me back so do it. I am sure a little pain wouldn't kill me." I tell them looking at Simmy who still looks unsure.

"I will be ok." I tell him. He studies me for a few minutes before nodding.

"Ok." He reluctantly.

"Come on." Apollo says carrying me.

"See Arty! Apollo wants to carry me." I say sticking my tongue out at her. She gives me a look and sticks her tongue out at me. Apollo lays me down and puts an IV in.

"This will help with the pain and make you sleep." He says. Simmy grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze.

"Ready?" Apollo asks. I nod and the next thing I know pain rushed through my body. I let out a scream before blacking out.

Hopefully you enjoyed! What do you guys think so far? Anything I should fix? Any suggestions? Comment what you guys think so far! I hope its not been to bad!
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Percy Jackson; The Abused WolfWhere stories live. Discover now