Chapter 27: Watch #4 The Table Turns

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6:05 PM ~ Percy's POV ~ Flashback
I hear who ever was in our tent leave, and I slowly peak around to tell Dad I was done with my chores and maybe get something to eat. Its been 2 days since I last ate, and he said I couldn't eat until I finished all the chores. My eyes suddenly land on a tall, skinny man who is obviously not my dad. I whimper and run back into the room I came from. To late, I thought! STUPID! You should have just went hungry! I bring my knees to my chest as silent tears race down my face. I start to shake slightly. I am going to die. He is going to starve me and beat me until I die. I whimper again. The man who seen me walks around the corner slowly and approaches quietly. He soon starts asking questions like, Who are you? Or What's your nameI stay quiet knowing that if I answer dad will kill me. Suddenly dad jumps around the corner and gives me a look that could kill. He immediantly starts shouting. I whimper and cover my ears while burying my face into my knees. I shake harder while waiting to be hit or kicked or whipped. Suddenly the screaming stops. I shove my self farther into the corner hoping the man didn't get kill because of me. I warm strong pair of arms gently slide under me, and pick me up. I tremble harshly, my stomach makes a loud painful noise due to my severe hunger. The mans arms hurt the long marks a crossed me back. I let out a shout of pain as the man repositions me in his arms. I feel my self slowly slip into a pure darkness filled with horrible nightmares.
A shout from the entrance snaps me out of my thoughts. Lycaon has all the boys that were training take a 5 minute break. I take off running to the nearest hunter Zoe.

8:36 PM ~ Artemis's POV

Artemis! We were caught! Back up is needed! We don't have much time before they overwelm us!  Percy shouts in my head.
Be there in 20! I shout back while standing up and quickly informing Simon.
We won't last that long! Percy shouts back sounding out of breath!
On our way! I tell him. Within 2 minutes everyone is out the door and on our way to Percy.

8:51 PM ~ Percy's POV

I duck and narrowly avoid a flaming arrow. The hunters took high ground in trees, and tall buildings, and have been shooting flaming arrows trying to cover the fighters on the ground. The campers have been struggling to keep up with the newly trained werewolfs.

5 minutes! Simon calls out in my mind. I growl in response. I run up to help cover a girl named Annabeth who is attempting to light another building on fire.

8:56 PM ~ Artemis's POV

As soon as we arrive we are surrounded in chaos. Burning buildings surrounds us, flaming arrows pouring down from above, and werewolfs fighting campers . In the middle of all of this stands Percy with two other campers fighting in triangle formation with their back to back. Zoe is in the building above, one of the few that is not on fire, shooting arrows toward the monsters surrounding the small group. Without wasting time we attack. Our teams helping out the other campers, and hunters while Simon, Liz, and I work our way over to the surrounded group.

Sorry its been so long since my last update! My phone got the new Android update, and Wattpad kept freezing up and wouldn't  let me edit anything! I know this update is short, but I thought that was a good place to end it! Thanks to everyone who has been voting, and commenting! I really enjoy your opinions on the chapters, and it lets me know my writing is not getting worse! I will update again soon!
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