Chapter 17: Penny For Your Thoughts?

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~~~~Percy's POV~~~~

Its been 3 days since we have been at Camp Half Blood, and its worrying me. Lycaon said he wouldn't stop until we were all dead, and thats a scary thought. The thought of loosing Simon or Liz  kills me on the inside. I own them my life and I will willingly loose it for them. Lately though someone else has been trying to get me to open up to them. Artemis. Just her name sends chills down my back. Its not that I don't want to or don't trust her but I am afraid Lycaon will try and kill her to. All my life it was drilled into my head by Lycaon and the other pack members to never show pain.
KILL HIM!" Lycaon shouts.
"I can't!" I tell him staring at the innocent child in front of me.
"Please! Just let me go!" The around 11 year old shouts at us. Lycaon found him wondering around near the camp and is trying to make me kill him.
"I said kill him." Lycaon growls.
"I CAN'T!" I shout at him. BIG MISTAKE! The next thing I know the 11 year old is dead, and Lycaon is dragging me back to the tent. I whimper at his tight grip on my arm,and he tightens it even more hearing me. Even though I had just meet Simon and Liz I silently pray they stop Lycaon from killing me. He drags me through camp and toward his tent. At this point everyone knew who I was and knew not to speak to me, but some still threw me pity looks. He roughly throw me into the tent. I hit the ground with grunt. Without hestitation Lycaon begins kicking me. He pulls out a silver knife, and stabs me in the side. I scream in pain as the silver burns my veins and skin.
"Shut up! Don't you know not to scream!" He shouts at me and stabs me again, and after a few more kicks he picks me up and throws me out the back of his tent. I whimper in pain when I hit the ground. I lay there tears streaming down my face. Soon Simon sees me and rushes forward, but I black out before he can say anything.

I am snapped out of my memory when someone sits beside me, and without looking at who it is I smile slightly.

"Artemis." I say.

"How'd you know?" She asks looking out over the cliff toward the now rising moon.

"Your smell, and by the way you smell really good." I tell her while looking over at her. She blushes slightly before asking,"What are you doing out here by your self?"

"Just thinking." I tell her.

"A penny for your thoughts?" She asks.

"I think they are worth more," I say smiling,"but if you would wish to know I was thinking about Lycaon and how much danger everyone is in because of me."

"Nobody is in danger because of you. Lycaon already hated me because I almost killed him once and eventually Simon and Liz would have realized how bad Lycaon really is. You just managed to get wrapped up in it." She says. I don't reply as I countinue to watch the moon.

"I have never had much luck, and the few good things that I had were ripped from me when you captured me. Thankfully we found Simon and Liz. I don't know what I would do without them. Since I have been with you though everything I thought was normal changed, me getting beat, not eating proper meals, only talking to Simon and Liz... It all changed, for the better or worse is a matter of opinion, and for a while I thought I had escaped everything, that I no longer had to worry about Lycaon, but when I found out he wasn't going to stop it kinda ruined everything I thought I had. Now? I just don't know. It would be easier just to turn my self back into him, but no one would let me do that so instead I have to sit and watch everyone suffer. Its horrible knowing I caused this..." I say, and soon I found myself telling Artemis everything, every thought, ever feeling, every time I hated myself or wanted to die. I told her, all of it. When I finish I take a deep breath and quickly wipe away the tears that had raced down my face. Instead of saying anything she pulls me into a hug. The tears I had held in from everyone, even Simon now came pooring out.

~~~~Artemis POV~~~~

Percy's tense body suddenly goes slack as he goes unconscious. I mentally call out of Simon, and within seconds a large grey wolf is running toward me. He stops and changes to human form.

"He cried himself to sleep. I asked what he was thinking and suddenly he told me everything he has ever thought. He cried on my shoulder till he fell asleep then I called for you to carry him back for me." I tell him.

"He must truly trust you." Simon says as he picks Percy up. Simons 5 words are what kept me from sleeping that night.

I have had a BAD day. Went to an archery  tournament and epically failed! 258! Out of 300! Which is horrible, but I figured you guys needed an update so here you go!
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