Chapter 25: Watch 2 & 3

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6:05 AM ~ Liz's POV

The switch went good getting ready to run the first round. I tell Percy in his mind.
Ok, good luck, and stay safe. He replys, and I nod knowing he can't see me. I am postioned in a tree to the right of where Simon was. I take one last glance at the entrance before heading off to the first person.

8:01 AM ~ Liz's POV

SIMON! Describe the truck you seen, and the people! I say in all of their minds. Without any hestitation I get a reply.
It was a large black truck with 4 people. The driver was bald and tall, the others I couldn't tell but one of them was a girl. In the back was a lot of large boxes that were covered with a tarp. I nod, due to my suspitions being confirmed.
The truck is back with the same people, but instead of a bunch of boxes there is only one large box that takes up the entire back, and its not covered by anything. I tell them.
Have some of your girls that have a good view of the truck to see what it does. Percy tells me.
On it. I reply.

8:10 AM ~ Mystery POV

" The second load just arrived. We are unloading now." I voice says in the ear piece. I give a signal to Lycaon showing that the load has arrived.
"Its unloaded, and is being stored. The truck is leaving in about 20 minutes." The voice tells me.
"Being stored." I tell him, and he nods not replying. I smile to my self. This camp isn't going to know what hit them.

8:30 AM ~ Liz's POV

The truck is leaving now. One of the hunters reported seeing it enter a large building in the middle of the base, and the people getting out and unloading the truck, before leaving about 20 minutes later. She reported seeing Lycaon near the box they dropped off. I tell Percy.
OK, I wrote that down. Did she see what was in it? Percy asks.
She said she thinks its weapons, because of the way they were carring it, and she seen Lycaon pick up something long and shiny from the box. I tell him
Ok, report back anything else you find out about it.

11:45 AM ~ Artemis's POV

ARTEMIS! There are 4 trucks leaving the back entrance in about 5 minutes. Meet me 50 feet past the forest line to the left of where we were going to meet. We should be ok there, but the switch will be delayed by about 5 minutes. Liz shouts in my mind.
OK. I reply back to her. I tell my group of the plan change and lead them to the new meeting place. I see Liz just acrossed a river that flows throught the edge of the base. She sees me and says, " The guards changed about a minutes ago! Go quick! I told my team to meet me here when the guards change, so you will have to direct your team somewhere close."
"OK" I tell her as her group appears behind her.
"Good luck." She says, and takes off runing with her group behind her.

12:15 PM ~ Liz's POV
Artemis just reported her first round, and that it all went good. Suddenly a loud scream comes from where the hunters and campers are staying. Percy is the first one up and out of the room with me and Simon seconds behind. We run in and see Percy standing in between a hunter and girl camper.
"What's going on?" Percy demands slowly.
"She tring to force me to become a hunter." Says the camper.
"She wants me to break my oath!" Claims the hunter named Alex.
"Both of you grow up! Stop acting like 5 year olds! Both of you have people you know risking their lives right now to save the rest of you!" Percy shouts. They both turned red at his statement.
"Sorry Percy..." They murmur under their breaths. Percy turns and nods to us.
"The truck came back with another load. Its a a bunch of boxes not just one. Same drivers. They just went in." Percy says and we run back to our room to write what has happened down.
"Wait. There is another truck. Its a semi this time. No clear view of what its carrying. She has her hunters watching it." He says.
"Tell her too send two hunters closer. Not inside the base, but closer to the edge to get a better view." Simon says. Percy nods in return.

1:45 PM ~ Artemis's POV

After sending two hunters closer they reported that the semi had different types of weapons on it, but nothing much has happened since then. Suddenly Lycaon emerges from the entrance with a bunch of young looking boys behind him. I watch silently at what he does. He appears to yell at them for a while before they start running. He is training them!
Guys! Lycaon has a group of around 20 younger boys training them outside the base. I report to Percy and the others.
I got it. He replys.
Poor kids, I think to my self, They must hate Lycaon!

5:45 PM
I see Percy and his group not far way. I step into eye sight and as soon as Percy sees me he smiles, and runs up to us. I quickly show him where my team is and wish him luck before running off with my team.

Sorry its been so long since I updated! I have had a busy week! Hopefully this chapter wasn't to horrible! There is A LOT of action soon!
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