Chapter 9: I am so cold

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Note to self: Never get on Simons bad side.

You might be wondering why, but ever since we seen Percy being whipped Simon has not rested. Its been a day and we are about a half a day away, hopefully by morning we should have Percy back. Simon has fussed nonstop and cursed more than I care to remember, and Liz has tried but failed at calming him down.

"Simon! For the last time cursing at everything you see is not going to help him! You need to calm down!"Liz screams. Simon glares before walking on, no longer cussing the poor tree out.

~~~~ After Lots Of Walking Later~~~~

"Are you guys ready?" Simon asks. We both nod and he leads us into the palace.

" He will be in the basement. We won't see guards and people till we get closer but there are probably cameras. They can't afford to let anyone know they are here." Simon whispers as we walk down a flight of stairs. We see a guard and before he can make a noise Simon has him pinned to the wall.

"Where do they keep the prisoners?" He growls. The guard silently points down the hall. Simon growls again before breaking his neck. He leads us down the hall and into another room. 5 guards are in there. This time we all attack and quickly kill them but not before one of them screams, and this causes Simon to curse loudly.

"Let's go!" He shouts at us. Me and Liz share a look before following him. Who knew he would be so protective? We run down the hall. Suddenly Simon makes a sharp right before continuing to run. We make another right and stop looking around stunned. This hall is full of cells and whipping post. Prisoners bleeding out, some dead, but most look starved and severely injured.

"Help!" I say and start letting them loose. Liz and Simon both help.

"Thank you! There is a boy somewhere in here. He looks really young with black hair. They whip him almost everyday. He hasn't eaten in a week almost. They take him away for hours on end and when he comes back he is always in worse shape. If you see him please help him!" A middle age woman says before running off.

"They have him!" Simon shouts and runs down the hall. Me and Liz following behind closely. He suddenly comes to a complete stop. I look around and see a figure locked in a room. When I look closer its obvious this room is freezing, ice covering the ground. The figure is chained to two post and is stuck in the middle of the room. Booming laughter fills the room. I quickly turn around and see Lycaon walking toward us.

"Like the idea? The room stimulates freezing weather. I figured the wolf that I raised and surely you raise can stand a bit of freezing weather. Its currently -2°F in there. The room is also sound proof so I don't have to listen to him scream and complain. Although I don't mind hearing him scream. Its actually a pleasent sound and congrats you figured out where I was hiding at. Which I knew you would sooner or later. Suddenly Simon attacks Lycaon but he disappears before he can hurt him. Simon growls and stands up.

"Watch for more people. I will get Percy."

~~~~Percy POV~~~~

I hear someone open the door. I am so weak I can't open my eyes to see who it is. I start shaking harder and prepare to be tortured some more.

"Percy! Its me! Simon! I am here! Your ok! We are going to get out of this." I hear Simon shout. I feel him pick up my arm and unlocks the cuff. He does the same on the other. I feel him pick me up. I don't resist, the warmth of his body is to comforting. He keeps muttering an apology as he starts to run, I whimper in pain at the sudden force.

"Your ok. We are leaving right now, and you will be fine." He says sternly.

"Simon... I am so cold." I say extremely quietly so I am surprised he heard me.

"I know... Give me just a few minutes. Artemis is going to take us to her palace and when we get there. I am going to heal you and make you feel better then I am going to get you some new clothes and then you can lay down and snuggle up. Ok?" He says softly. I hear screams of guards and whimper again when Simon suddenly jerks.

"Artemis! Flash us out!" Simon screams. I see the bright light through my closed eyes.

"Apollo!!"I hear Artemis call out, and yet another bright light fills my eyes.

"Heal him!" She shouts before he can say anything, and he does without asking.

"Simon can you lay him down on the couch? We can clean it later but I need him to be laying down." Apollo says.

"Yeah, Percy this may hurt a little." Simon says as he lowers me to the couch. I let out a weak cry when my back touches the material, and the next thing I know bright light in cases me. My back immediantly feels better, and I feel my ribs fixing their selfs and my the rest of my bones mending. I feel my skin tug on its self and close any open wounds. My headache lessens and I feel the frost bit on my toes and fingers warm up and disappear, and suddenly Apollo stops.

"What's wrong?! Why did you stop???" I hear Simon demand, but before I hear his reply my world goes black.

It's finally getting interesting!! Hope you have enjoyed so far! I have so many plans for the rest of the book!
Vote and Comment!! I would say sorry for the cliff hangers, but after all the cliff hangers Rick has done I don't feel to bad about these!   (Sadly, I don't own PJ or anyone but Simon and Liz!)


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