Chapter 16: The Truth

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~~~~Percy's POV~~~~

"I am glad to see your wolf is ok, and it seems like you found more werewolfs to join you." The horse guy named Chiron says gesturing to us.

"Yes, and it seems the girls informed you at why we suddenly left, and on our way back we happened to run into some more wolfs," Artemis says looking down at us, " Come girls lets set up our tents."  I follow them with Simon staying behind me making sure I am ok. I limp slightly due to my bones not being fully healed yet. I lay down by a tree and a sense of deja vu hits me. I smile to myself thinking about the last time I was here. Simon lays next to me and Liz lays on the other side of me, both of them careful not to touch me. I close my eyes and before long drift off to sleep.

~~~~Simon's POV~~~~

I smile at Percys sleeping form. He doesn't know it but he will be the death of me, because there is nothing I wouldn't do for him. Percys eyes flutter open and he stands to stretch out some. I follow Artemis into her tent before changing into a human.

"Can I take Percy into the woods so he can stretch more as a human?" I ask her.

"Of course just don't get caught." She says turning to look at me. I smile and run off to get Percy. I bark at him, telling him to follow me. He tilts his head and looks confused but follows me anyway. After we get far into the woods I shift into a human. Percy follows suit and smiles. I watch as he twists his back to pop it, and bends his fingers in inhuman ways.

"If I did that all my bones would break." I state. He smiles at me and sits down on a flat rock.

"I am enjoying it while I can." He says, before I can reply a gasp fills the air. We both whip around and see a young boy no older than Percy standing there staring at us. He turns and takes off running before we can say anything. Me and Percy share a look before shifting to wolf form, and running off to find Artemis. Without knocking we barge into her tent.

"Someone saw us!" Percy shreaks as he begins to pace.

"Percy! Calm down." I tell him not wanting him to have a panic attack in front of everyone. Someone outside the tent clears their throat.

"Artemis? May I speak with you?" That person says. Percys breathing picks up.

"We should have made sure it was safe!" He shouts mainly at his self.

"Calm Down." Artemis says as she walks outside. After a few minutes Artemis walks bac in and someone follows her. Percys breathing picks up even more.

"This is Chiron like you guys probably know. He has been informed of you guys and after talking a lot he wants you guys to tell the camp. He thinks it better and will help you gain there trust." Artemis says.

"But... They are going to kill us!!!" Percy shouts panicing now. I walk over and lay a hand on his arm.

"Nobody is killing anyone." I say sternly

"I think the camp would be ok with it and except you!" Chiron says. Percys shoulders slump.

"If they dare touch one of us." I growl and Chiron nods before I can finish.

"Point taken." He says "Reveal your selves at diner."

We nod in reply, but Percy is still pacing holes in the ground.

"CALM DOWN!" Liz shouts. Percy winces at the loud noise but sits down on the ground.

~~~~Time Skip To Dinner~~~~

We walk into the eating area or whatever they call it, and I feel Percy and even Liz slightly panic due to how many people were here.

"Guys, stay calm. They won't hurt you guys." Artemis says. Chiron walks to the front and hit his foot against the ground getting everyones attention.

"Artemis and her hunters will be staying with us for a while. They have brought some unexpected friends along, and I expect you to treat them with respect. Zeus has approved of them so they will not hurt you." Chiron tells them. We shift into a wolf and walk up front. Artemis walks up, and gestures for me walk up to her.

"This is Simon. He is a werewolf, and used to be part of Lycaons pack." She says as I shift into a human. The room is silent, and nobody makes a sound until the hunters start clapping and everyone follows after them. I bow, and step to the side. A giant white wolf takes my place as Artemis says," This is Liz. Husband of Simon and used to be part of Lycaons pack." Everyone claps for Liz as she stands by me. A giant Black and White wolf takes her place. I can see Percy is breathing fast and hard.

"This is Percy, son of Lycaon adopted son of Simon and Liz, and he used to be apart of Lycaons pack." Everyone goes silent taking in the fact that he is Lycaons son before they start clapping. He visable relaxes, and smiles before joining us off to the side.

"They will be traveling with us from now on, and can be trusted." Artemis says before leading us back to the hunters. We sit down at her table as food is brought out. I walk over to Artemis and say," Watch him. He won't eat a lot nor will he speak much while eating. Lycaon used to beat him for talking while people were eating, so that's why he won't talk. I used to try to get him to talk and still do, but it never works."  She nods, and watches Percy as he keeps his head down and only eats a couple bits.

"He won't leave until you tell him he can leave. I have watched him sit there for hours before I finally realized why he wasn't leaving." I say eating some food. She nods still watching Percy.

"Percy? Was it as bad as you thought it would be?" Artemis asks. He shakes his head saying no it wasn't but doesn't speak. Everyone begins to leave as I look over at Percy I notice he didn't eat all of his food.

"Percy? You can leave when ever you are finished." Liz says. Percy nods and stands up. We watch as he walks off to who knows where.

"This is going to be a hard couple weeks." I mutter mainly to me self, but Artemis must have heard me because she replied with,"Yes it is."

Sorry for such a long wait, but school just started back, and its been really busy! I know excuses, and I am sure most of you are tired of authors giving the same old "schools started back" or the classic "I have been to lazy to update" or even the traditional, "I've been busy with life." But a school really did just start back after missing 2 weeks for snow! I promise to try and update more!
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