Chapter 13: Can I go hunting?

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~~~~Time Skip 4 days~~~~Simons POV~~~~

Its been 4 days since Lycaon showed his face ,and the now 6 year old Percy, admitted his memories coming back.

"Simmy! Lizzy and Arty said that if you say yes that they will take me hunting!! Can I go???!!!" Percy says running up to me.

"Hmmm... Have you been good? No being stubborn with Zeus? Messing with Apollos stuff? Or jumping on Artemis's back when she isn't expecting it?" I question him. He gives me really look as he climbs into my lap.

"No lying." I say sternly.

"I didn't hurt Apollo's stuff and only jumped on Arty once!" He squealed.

"I am glad you can say Apollo's name now. I think he was getting annoyed with the other one, and what about Zeus? When he visits are you being nice? Or when you go to Olympus?" I once again question the 6 year old.

"Simmy...Zeus is just as mean. Last night when everyone was here, I went over to talk to you and he stole my seat and wouldn't let me have it back." Percy says with a pouty lip.

"Its ok Perce. I know he can be stubborn at times to." I tell him.

"Can I go Simmy???" Percy says bouncing on my lap.

"Yes, but only if I can come." I tell him. Hey! You can't blame me! I wasn't going to let him go in the woods hunting with out me! He rarely went hunting without me when he was 17!

"Yay!! Simmys coming to!!" He yells and runs out of the room. Artemis and Liz walk in smiling.

"You just made his day." Liz says giving me a kiss.

"We were on our way to ask you if he could come but he beat us to it and when he see us coming he stopped and told me you said yes and ran off to find Apollo." Artemis says. A scream cuts throught the air, but not just any scream though. This was Percy's scream.

"Percy!" I shout before running out of the room. I hear another scream and stop outside the kitchen. Artemis and Liz right behind me. I open the door and see Percy on the ground holding his side and a figuring over top of him getting ready to kick him again. He notices us and grabs Percy by the hair picking him up. When I see the mans face I growl a long deep growl.

"Lycaon." Liz gasps beside me.

"Don't move!" He says holding a knife to the now crying 6 year olds neck.

"What do you want?" I demand.

"I just want my son back. Can't a father be around his son?" Lycaon asks innocently.

"Not when he is like you." Artemis says, Quicker than lighting Lycaon has a silver arrow in his arm. He shouts and lets go of Percy. Lycaon rips the arrow out of his arm and before anyone can do anything, he stabs Percy in the stomach. Percy lets out a yelp of pain before trying to crawl away. I growl and jump turning into a wolf. Lycaon changes to and attacks. I grab him by the neck and switch to human form. I grab a knife from the holder behind me and hold it to his neck, and only then did I realize Lycaon had other wolves with him. Artemis and Liz were both locked in battle and another one goes after Percy. Percy yelps when he grabs him and jerks him up. The wolf breaks Percy's arm and slings him back to the ground. Percy lets out a whimper as he hits the ground.

"Lycaon call of your people." I growl pressing the knife closer to his neck.

"Let me go and I swear on the Styx to leave." He says. Thunder grumbles in the distance and I release him.

"Stop!" He yells, and his men stop and suddenly disapear along with Lycaon.

"Percy!" I yell running over to him as I drop down beside him as blood begins to pool around him. Apollo suddenly appears.

"WHAT happened? I heard screaming!" He says and looks over at Percy. He immediantly starts to heal him. After a few minutes of them both being covered in golden light it recieds and Percy groans.

"He will be ok with sleep. He lost lots of blood but he will be ok." Apollo says.

"I will bring him to bed." I say and gentle pick Percy up. He groans again and curls up in my arms. I shift my arms under him as I begin to lay him down on the bed. He whimpers as I cover him up. I growl and think about what all I am going to do to Lycaon.

Sorry about the bad fight scene. I am not very good at those, but hopefully the rest of it was good! As much as I wish I did sadly I don't own Percy Jackson or any of his friends but I do own Simon and Liz!
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