Chapter 4: What's Camp Half Blood!?

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~~~~Percys POV~~~~

I open my eyes and notice I am in a tent. Well, I must not be evil, I think to myself.  I listen for someone, but don't hear anything or anyone outside. Confused, I walk outside, and realize its midnight. I also realize I am in wolf form. I walk around for a moment before deciding I want to sleep in a tree. I climb the tree, and lay down on a sturdy limb. I wonder how being with the hunt will go. I really miss my pack I think as I fall a sleep.
~~~~Time Skip ~~~~

Some people don't know it, but even when wolfs are a sleep they still have sensitive hearing so when an arrow flys by your ear while you are a sleep it tends to scare a person or wolf. My eyes shoot open, and immediantly look for the threat. I hear laughing under me, and look down only to  see Artemis laughing. I growl at her, and climb down.

"Sorry! I couldn't resist! I wasn't going to shoot you or anything. I was wondering why you were in a tree?! I put you in a tent last night before we went to bed!" She says walking way I follow her, and say "I don't like sleeping indoors. So when I woke up I came out here."  We walk into where everyone is eating, and judging by the way she is walking I can tell she has news for us.

"Girls,Percy, I have something to tell you... We will be going to Camp Half Blood." She says and everyone groans in sync.

"What's Camp Half Blood?" I ask confused at why everyone is groaning.

"It's a place for demigods to stay and train." Artemis says, and I nod showing I understood.

"We leave in 5 minutes." She says before walking out. I nod, and go pack the few things I have.

~~~~ 5 Minutes Later ~~~~

"Time to go." Artemis says walking up to us.

"How are we getting there?" I ask. Artemis winks and everyone grabs hands. Next thing I know we are on a hill over looking a village type place.

"Percy, welcome to Camp Half Blood." She says smiling. I change into a wolf, and say I will be staying in this form. I don't want anyone to know I am a werewolf, in Artemis's mind. She nods and a half horse thing comes up to us. I tilt my head and give him a weird look.

"Nice to see you girls, and I see you have a new pet?" He says more like a question.

"Oh! Yes! We found him lost and injuried and fixed him up and now he is our pet named Wolf." Artemis says a little to happily. The guy/horse person nods. I follow Artemis to were I assume they will be setting up our tents. I lay down as I watch them sit the tents up, and before I know it I fall a sleep.

~~~~ Artemis POV~~~~

After setting up the tents and Percy's cage I begin to look around for him. I notice a huge black figured curled up laying beside a tree. I smile to myself as I walk over him. I kneel beside him and gently touch his fur, and find its extremely soft. I begin rubbing his fur, and before long his eyes flutter open. He looks confused at first until he sees me, and smiles as best as he can in wolf form. I laugh at his half smile.

"Its dinner time, I already told the girls to go on, and  I came to wake you up. You can join us or go hunting in the forest over there." I say. I will go to the forest and meet you back here in a few hours, he said in my mind. I nod, slightly sad he won't be joining us. I watch him run off into the woods wondering about how it the next few days will go.

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