P&W Undies in a bunch

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Warric POV

I watched her walk out of the room with her head down and felt like whimpering for her to come back. I shook my head of the ridiculous idea of having her by my side and the need to protect her. An insignificant human! I didn't even realize that i had finished my dinner not even knowing what I ate. It was just automatic shovel food in and swallow. Getting up without a glance at anyone I growled to Jiro "NOW" not even letting him finish his own meal. He just got up and trailed behind me with his eyes lowered.

Jiro Pov

Dinner was horrible. We all thought that Thena and Warric were getting along because i seen them curled up on his bed together. But that wasn't the case because we heard a small thud on the floor upstairs and Warric storming out of the house. About 20 minutes later we heard Athena sneaking down the stairs not very quiet I might add. Her feet were dinosaurs that roared when she walked. We left her to her own thoughts anyways knowing that we would ask her a million questions each on what happened and how the heck she calmed him down so fast. Usually he brakes everything in sight and demolishes rooms when he shifts in the house. Two Kennard sized holes in the wall and a broken door is the only damage this time to the house. Kennard looks a little rough still with slight black eyes and a swollen jaw himself. His neck had faint marks but he seems to be healing nicely. By tomorrow morning he should be completely bruise free. Well except the bruised rib, that will take a couple days. Thena, she looks like hell. Her jaw is swollen and a dark purple bruise sticks out on her face. You can still see a hand print on her neck telling everyone where Kennard's hand was.

Nobody talked during dinner. If we wanted something passed to us we just nudged the person next to us and pointed. Eventually we would get what we wanted. Kennard glared at Thena the whole time and Warric glared at Kennard. I was only half finished when Thena mumbled a pardon me and walked from the room accompanied by little roars as she walked away. Warric's eyes followed her out the room then flickered down to his plate. When he realized there was no more food on his plate he Stood up and growled "NOW" I knew that it was directed to me and left my plate at the table.

Thats when panic set in. All I could think was 'Oh my GOD! He found out that she knows about us! He is going to kill us all!' I glanced at the boys around me as I got up and noticed that they all looked scared also. Even Oakley and Hackett looked worried but they didnt know what was going on. They just knew that Thena got hit and Warric almost killed Kennard. I guess Gavvine, Garrette and Kennard had the same thought i did. We were all going to die.

I kept my eyes to the floor as I followed Warric out the room and into his office. I was trying not to pee myself when he turned to me at his door before slamming it shut with me trapped inside with him. His eyes were black and glowing with rage and I just started to babble.

"Please dont hurt me! I didnt tell her I swear! She-" It was all a jumbled mess and I am glad he interrupted me.

"Get her out of my house NOW! She will be gone tonight!" His powerful voice made me fall to my knees. I was submitting to him fully.

Then it hit me what he was saying. He wasn't going to hurt anyone or yell at anyone, well except me. He was making her leave! "Please no! Lets just talk this over okay? No need to make a decision yet, ya know?" I pleaded with him.

"Yes, talk this over." He said sounding distracted as he walked to his desk and turned on his laptop. He handed me a pad of paper with a pen and I took them not really sure what he wanted me to do with them. Then he started to bark his orders.

Handing me a check for $2600.00 he was just talking non stop. "Hand this to her. Tell her to get her stuff packed and out of here in 3 hours. That check plus what I have already paid her should be enough..." He kept talking but I just stared at the check in my hand. He was really making her leave. Then I felt my eyes flash in anger the same time he realized that I wasn't listening to him. "Jiro!" He snapped out at me.

I was shaking with anger and snapped back at him. "Get your undies outta a bunch old man! I will not make her leave!" I seen his eyes turn from a dark grey to black once more and realized what i had told my alpha. Oh no. Now I really was going to die.

"WHAT" He roared so loud that I could feel the walls shake and heard things fall off the shelf and onto the floor in a crash. I was too scared to look anywhere but at him even my submissive instints were not enough to look away from his face. He came at me so fast that I couldn't even move to defend myself. As if I even could against him. I was picked up by the front of my shirt and could feel myself being thrown across the room. I felt myself crash into something and as I fell slumped onto the floor everything went black.


Warric POV

Today was not my day. I was past pissed by the time I had walked into my office as it is. I wanted the human out of my house and my wolf wanted to go on a rampage. I couldn't figure out all of my conflicting emotions so I just kept getting madder and madder. I finally snapped when I was disrespected by my beta. I barley recall throwing him across the room and against the wall. As he slumped to the floor unconscious i was already headed out the door of my office. I didnt even stop long enough to open the door and just kicked it in. As it fell to the ground in pieces I didn't even pause. I didn't know where I was going but I needed out of there before I destroyed the whole house.


Once again it is still short. But I would rather do more than on chapter and you be able to read it than have to stop in the middle of my chapter and have to save. Let me kno what you think. I didn't get to if she gets kicked out or if the guys can calm him down enough to listen to them and let her stay. What is she thinking? Hmmm we will have to see. I have not decided what will happen yet. There are so many things that could happen and I can't decide.

Thank you for reading my story. I love to see you vote and comment just as much as I like to see the number of reads grow. If I dont get another chapter up before going home I will do my best to come back asap.


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