getting rid of the human

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Warric POV

I woke up feeling refreshed and happy. Then I realized there was a small body tangled with mine. At first I was happy and content because it had been a long time since a woman was in my bed, but I remembered the events of the day and realized WHAT woman was in my bed. Laying with her head on my chest and legs twined with mine.  Panic set in and I practically pushed her off me onto the floor ignoring the feeling of emptiness that settled in.

I heard a squeak and a small thud followed by a groan. "Ugh, I feel like I've been ran over by a stream roller!"

Looking over the side of the bed I see her still sprawled on the floor rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Her jaw was swollen and there was light bruising around her neck. The thought of Kennard putting his hands on what was not his but in fact min...  I jumped off the bed with a growl at what I almost thought and stormed out of my room headed into the woods.

I was hardly off the back porch when I shifted leaving a pile of shredded clothes behind. The only thought in my mind was how this human had to get out of my house.

Thena POV

I felt like crap. Plain and simple... Crap. My head was pounding and It hurt to open my mouth. Not to mention I woke up in the most pleasant of ways... NOT. I barley remember falling asleep on Warric's bed waiting for him to get out of the shower. I couldn't help it. I was so tired and his bed smelled so good. I had never been that close to the man to smell the scents of nature. The twins explained how everyone has a scent that is unique to them. I smell like jasmine and cinnamon. They said that it warmed the house and made it feel like a home. After they told me how intoxicating I was first and that if they all had such a strong reaction to my scent that they are glad that none of them were my mate. The concept of mates is so wonderful and I find myself wishing I was one of the wolfs so that i could find a mate. Humans are never strong enough to be mated to a wolf. Or any other shifter. 

Deciding on a shower before going to make dinner for the pack I head back into my room. I didn't even look into the mirror to see the damage done to my face before stepping into a hot shower. I smile remembering when Jiro surprised me with a present consisting of  Jasmine shampoo and conditioner and Cinnamon Vanilla body wash. When I asked him if he was implying that i stink his eyes got huge and tried to explain that it was because anything else would mask my natural scent. I just giggled and replied 'good because otherwise i was going to tell him that he smelled like wet dog and to stop dripping on my floors when he got out of his next shower.' Then i kissed his cheek, said thanks, and walked upstairs to use my new present.

After my shower I picked out my pink and purple T-Rex PJs with matching slippers that roar every time i step down. They are obnoxious but I love them. going down stairs I do a loose french braid in my hair to keep it out of my way while cooking. I am thinking lasagna tonight.

I hear the Turtle man on the tv and muted voices talking in the living room as I sneak into the kitchen. They probably heard me but I jut want to start dinner. I sneak as many veggies as I can into the lasagna and put it into the oven to bake. Instead of making my own garlic bread I pull out three boxes of store bought garlic toast with cheese after making a salad with spring greens and fresh strawberries, walnuts and feta cheese. I am surprised that I have been able to cook without any interruptions but I am sure they all want to give me some time and space.

I set the table and walk to the living room to gather them all for dinner telling them to wash up first. Everyone smiles at me sadly except Kennard, who just glared at me from his seat. I ignore him and walk to the back door to call Warric in to eat.

Dinner was quiet and uneventful. No easy chatter, just silence. As soon as everyone was seated Warric had growled out to Jiro that following dinner he was to speak with him in his office. Tention was heavy and almost suffocating. By the time it was over I just excused myself and went upstairs to my room leaving the mess behind.


I am so sorry that it has been SO FREAKING LONG! Its been busy and crazy and I have not had a computer to write. I tried on my phone but there ended up being so many mistakes and the sentences were getting all messed up. I kept part of what I did on my phone but started over for the most part. This was a quick post chapter :( but I wanted something up.

For the next chapter (which i am starting after i have breakfast and get more coffee) would you like it to be in Warric's point of view or Jiro's? Is Jiro going to convince Warric to let her stay? Thank you all for waiting and sticking with me.

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