PAW Gone Part 2

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Jiro POV

I woke up with a faint buzzing in my ears. Man my head was pounding. I opened my eyes trying to remember what the hell happened. I was in the living room on the couch and there were five sets of worried eyes in my face watching me.

I wasn't expecting that so I sat up without thinking of the consequences. "OW! Bloody hell!" My head collided with Oakley's head.

"OOOW! Jiro! My head!" Oakley whined at me rubbing his forehead from his sprawled position on the floor.

I sat up on the couch and looked around at all my brothers. They looked worried and stressed. "What the hell happened? I feel like I was hit by a plane." I grumbled as they all sat around me.

"Warric threw a fit that's what" Gavvine exclaimed.

"Yeah, I know that. How did I end up out here? All I remember is him coming at me then waking up to your mugs." I replied.

"After he kicked down the door and stormed out the house, again, we found you in a crumpled heap on the floor unconscious." Garrette sounded angry.

"So we carried you in here!" Hackette piped in.

"How long was I out?" I asked a little worried. It couldn't have been long. I mean i don't think it could have been that long.

They all shifted nervously in their seats. Nobody looked at me. Finally Garrette opened his mouth looking a little sheepish and rubbing his neck. "A few hours?" My mouth dropped open. "Its 1am now". We ate hours ago!

My eyes snapped back to my brothers as I searched their faces. Worry immediately took me over. "Has anyone seen Thena? Is she okay?"

Everyone's eyes got wide and we all ran for the stairs. I don't know how we all made it up the stairs in one piece but I was the first one in her room. I didn't bother knocking and almost face planted it on the floor when i stopped abruptly and they all ran into me. Her room was empty. Well mostly empty. There was a note on the bed and I just stared at it. I couldn't bring myself to open it. What could it say? Why was she gone? Where did she go?  did she overhear Warric yelling at me? I was going to let him cool off and talk to him again. Questions were swirling in my mind.

I seen Oakley run to the open window and i just realized that there was a cold breeze coming into the room. He turned to me and I could see the tears in his eyes.

"S-sshe left?" Oakley asked in a small voice.

Kennard brushed past me to the letter and picked it up. He looked uncertain but started to read it anyways. He looked torn up and his voice was soft as he read it to us. She had wrote to us all. I looked around and every one of my tough and macho brothers were crying because of a tiny human. She had changed us all. When Kennard got to the part in the letter to him he broke out a sob.

"She s-she for-g-gives me?" He looked up at me and I seen the tears flowing freely. He couldn't even finish the letter because he had collapsed onto the bed sobbing. I was taken by surprise because I really didn't think he cared. He looked abandoned and hurt and that snapped me out of my daze.

"Dry your tears boys! We have us a girl to find!" I ordered and i heard snuffling as I walked out the door. Once we got outside I Told them where to start searching because we had to find her before Warric got home.

We caught her scent outside her window and followed it down the driveway to the main road. She had gone to the right, away from town. We searched all over but her scent was lost about 5 miles away. She just vanished. Nobody wanted to give up though so we searched for hours until we couldn't hardly keep our eyes open. I had shifted earlier along with everyone else as soon as we lost her trail in hopes of picking up a hidden clue or scent.

The sun came up about an hour ago and I carried a sleeping Oakley into the house and headed straight up to Thena's room. We all fell onto her bed and were instantly asleep.

Thena POV

I woke up in a heap on the floor. I look up at the driver to see that he was already out of his truck and staring at me. "ya know lil missay. This heres yer stop. So geeet owt!" He twanged at me. Im all for a southern country accent but this man had the verbal skills that rivaled his appearance. He could have been good looking but the sneer on his face looked permanent and he smelled like he had an allergy to soap and water. No offence but seriously... You can try and clean yourself up before you leave your house! I lived in my car and never smelled like that.

"Thank you sir for your kindness. I can't spare much but would you like me to pay for your lunch at the diner across the road?" I tried to sound as nice as possible. I mean he did drive me 6 hours in his rusty truck.

He asked me where I was headed and I told him as far as he was going and well here I am. Six hours later and practically gasping for clean air.

"Naw jest git outta my truck." and with that he walked away.

I sighed and grabbed my bag from the back of the truck and walked to the diner. I walked in and felt like I had stepped back in time. These kind of diners always made me feel better. Faded seats and checkered floors. It was neat and clean and the smell of fresh fried food made my stomach rumble. A cheery woman in her early 30's came up to me and lead me to a faded blue seat and gave me a glass of ice water. She had Carmel and chocolate curls pulled into a sloppy pony tail and kind brown eyes. Her blue and white uniform looked clean but warn.

"ya look a little frazzled dear. How about some water to start you out? Here is your menu and when you find something you like just give me a shout. I'm Sandra Lyne but you can call me Sandy." She winked at me and skipped away.

I ordered a bowl of chili and a coffee and fell asleep curled in the booth. I felt sad and tired and didn't have the energy to pull myself up and find a place to stay. I fell asleep in that weird hick guy's truck but without a seat belt i flopped around like a wet fish on hot cement so I didn't sleep well. I had noplace to go and no way to even get there if i did. I only took one bag with me when i left. I have nothing... and no one.


So this one is short also. But look on the bright side... another chapter (at least the second part of the one from earlier). And yes... she did run from werewolves. But there was a lot going on in the house that they didn't even hear her leave so unGRACEFUL ;) and What is up with Kennard? Can you say hormonal teenage girl? Dont worry I have a plan for him. Any questions? and thank you all for the comments on my last chapter. I am glad you still all enjoy my story. Good night yall. not edited so excuse mistakes.

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