Warric's turmoil

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Hey lovies. I'm so sorry its been too long. I've either not known how to proceed.. Or there had been too much going on in my life to feel any inspiration. But never fear.. This story isn't done and i still have more stories planned. Hope you enjoy and thank you for sticking with me for so many months and years!

Warric POV

I swear i woke up with the feeling of electic shocks running along my arm, scalp, and back. When i opened my eyes i seen her standing in front of my desk saying dinner was ready. I jumped up not being able to make eye contact with her. Too many thoughts running through my mind. All i could manage was telling her I'd be there shortly.

All i wanted to do was pull her in my arms but i couldn't so i watched her walk out the door.  What if she didn't want this? I had to be ready to break the bond if that's what she wanted. My wolf was fighting what my Hunan mind was thinking. He didn't want to loose his mate, i was afraid we'd loose her permanently to death if she accepted us. Which one was worse? We would never be rid of her because even after a bond breaking ceremony my wolf would long for her soul.. Or if she accepted the mating she could die permanently and it would affect us worse.
My brothers wouldn't stay if i had her leave. They would become rogue so rejecting her wasn't an option. They'd end up dead of they went anywhere close to a pack.
I needed Jiro. My brother, beta, and best friend. He would know what to do. I've been hiding my feelings too long from him. Ever since She's been here I've been thrown off in every way possible. Yes, I'm not always easy to deal with but he's always been my ear to talk to after our parents decided pack life wasn't for them and left me newly shifted at fifteen to handle a pack. Which decided to leave when there wasn't a strong alpha to guide them.
I found him outside waiting for me..
"Jiro.. I need you" i practically squeezed the life out of him so happy i had him near me and away.. Amazingly.. From his new mate who was joking with the others.
He hugged me back but stepped away seriously to talk to me.
"What's bothering you so much? You should be happy now with your mate. I shouldn't feel this uncertainty from you" he frowned.
"I'm afraid of the outcomes" i told him seriously and went on to explain all the wars inside my head for the fear regarding my newly found mate. It should be a cause for celebration when the alpha finds his mate. Yet all i can think about are what will happen because she's human.
"I need you to call the council about the bond breaking ceremony" it hurt just saying the words.
Jiro looked shocked.. "What! Why do you need it broken! She's your mate and a Damn good one at that!"
"Because once i tell her what could happen she needs that choice! She could die accepting me! She needs to know all the facts before she can fully accept me.. I don't know if i could live without her here. Breaking the bond and her being here indefinitely will kill me inside but her accepting and dying will actually kill me." I kept as much emotion out of my voice and attempted to keep my face blank but he seen through every mask. I knew he would.
"I also need the council involved because if i can't continue on because of the bond breaking.. Or even worse her death.. I need you to take my place"
The shocked look on his face was almost enough to make me smile. If i couldn't be alpha he was my second and that put him next in line and i don't think he expected that.
Grasping my shoulder firmly he looked me in the eye, which wasn't often, and said,"alpha,brother.. I have the upmost faith in you. I think you need to speak to your mate before you make any decisions that will affect our pack. I'm honored you have so much faith in me but she needs to know what's at stake BEFORE you or anyone else calls the council. Now let's go sit with our family and wait for your mate so we can have dinner and CELEBRATE the news of my new mate.. Yours coming back.. And the reason why you've been an ass since she got here!" With the last part he slapped me on the shoulder and chuckled while leading me to a picnic table.
I smelled her light scent in the breeze before i looked up to see her coming outside " hey guys! I grabbed extra spoons!"
Oh dear heavenly lord and moon godess above! How was i going to survive dinner! She was breathtaking.

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