unanswered questions

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Okay loves... I'm sitting on a plane with a beer and decided to write a little bit. I'm on my phone so excuse any errors.😍xo


There was so much I needed to catch up on yet I couldn't seem to get my head on straight. So many mixed emotions running through my head and the papers in front of me were just a blur of meaningless squiggles.

I could hear the hustle and bustle of the house getting ready for tonight. All I wanted to do is be out there with my mate yet alpha duties have to come first. I pushed them aside for too long and now I know why. Thoughts of my mate swirling through my mind I tried to shut them out but there are too many questions. Could I really do this with a human? Do I want to? Does she want to? She ran from us... Me.

I know we need to talk but what do I even say? What should I do? I am an alpha and I'm clueless. I don't know how to deal with girls.

I can hear her quietly singing while in the kitchen and I can't keep myself in the office any longer. I sneak into the hall and hide just outside the kitchen so she can't see me but I can watch her from the shadows. She's chopping something and two of my brothers were assisting by peeling things and making other dishes that were hard to figure out from my hiding place.  The song changes and she grabs a large spoon to use as a microphone and starts dancing around the kitchen. Just watching her put a smile on my face. Garrette and Gavvine were  laughing at her crazy dance but grabbed onto each other dramatically and sang backup in the chorus.

Tempted to join but not sure how my presence would be received, my mind was made up when Jiro opened the front door and I snuck back into my office.

I sat down but stood back up because my head was spinning with questions and the need to run back out there and grab her in my arms and never let go. I paced around the room practically pulling my hair out. A few times I caught myself with my hand on the handle. Sitting back down at my desk I fixed a few papers and put them back into the piles I need to go through them

"I have no idea what to do..." I mutter to myself and sigh holding my head in my hands.

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