PaW desparate

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Ooooh you finally find out what is going on! Hehe. I know the suspense is killing you. Remember that he got captured for being on pack territory and all that blah blah blah. Also, you will find out what is going on with Jiro soon. Poor guy. I just love my babies. That is what they are. MY BABIES lol. Hey they came from my imagination. Also, when I said in the last chapter about changing the name some of you thought I meant characters names. I was thinking JUST the book title. I chose the book title of  Power and Wisdom because of the meanings of their names. I actually spent hours coming up with all their names to fit the personality of who I wanted them to be. But just the book title not character names. I am still up for your thoughts on the title and if I cant think of anything then it will stay. Hope you all enjoy J

Warric POV

Ugh. What the hell happened? My head hurts like a big ol’ mo-fo. Damn.


I groaned and went to move but found out I’m chained to something. That something turns out to be a wall. Where the hell am I? That’s when I remembered.

Athena left.

 Well I made her leave. Anyways, I found her and couldn’t help but stay close. I couldnt leave her. She looked horrible and I knew it was because of me. I just didnt know what I was doing or what to do. When I seen that Alpha carrying her I went ballistic. And then nothing. I wake up here. Wherever here is. At least I have shorts on though. Not my shorts...

Panic hits… They took her!

A half howl, half growl rips from my throat. I try and stand up to pull the chains out of the concrete wall but can’t get further than my knees. There are thick chains made out of silver plated steel no doubt on both my wrists and my ankles. They are looped together through big metal hooks cemented into the wall. I look around the room to find it fairly small, all concrete with no windows. Only a door that is solid metal and a small window at the top only big enough to see into the cell. So its really just a little slit. there is a small light flickering overhead giving the room more shadows than light. It all starts processing in my head... I’m locked in a cell and I have to save Athena! Thats when I really start to struggle. I start ripping at the chains not thinking about what the metal will do to my bare skin.

Its been at least 20 minutes and the chains are still holding strong. My wrists and ankles are raw and bleeding and I can only think about getting to her before they hurt her. I don’t even know how long I was unconscious.

“Are you done trying to break free yet? Or shall I come back later?” A mocking voice came from the doorway.

I looked up to the speaker and snarled.

“Okay then. I can come back.” He turned to leave.

“NO! Where is she!” I was desperate to know if she was okay.

The man stepped into the cell with me and I wasn’t surprised to see the man that took my Athena. He had dark brown hair that was almost black and black eyes. He looked at me in fake shock. “she? What she? I have no idea who you could be talking about Rogue.”

“You better not have hurt her! You know damn well who I am talking about!” He was intentionally pissing me off. I knew it. Nothing could stop me from lashing out but to see myself that she was okay. I hardly even noticed being called a rogue. Which I am not… I am an Alpha. Being on someone else’s pack land without permission it doesn’t really matter if you are rouge or alpha. Rules are rules. Trespassing is trespassing.

“Who sent you.” He was getting down to business but it wasn’t the correct business.

“Nobody” I replied angrily. Again I asked, “Where is she?” only slightly calmer than my snarling responses before.

“temper, temper rogue. There is no she that I know of. Now, who sent you to spy on my pack?” I could tell that he was trying to stay clam.

He has no reason to be upset... Im the one chained to a wall and can't get to Athena. Bastard. What the hell is he even talking about 'who sent me?' I sent me... To watch over Athena. Duh.

“Nobody sent me! I came to find her!” I lashed out staring straight into his eyes. That is a big no no when it comes to Alphas and dominance. I almost killed Jiro a few weeks ago because he didn’t show me the respect my position gives me.

“Do not talk to me that way and know your place or I will think you are challenging me.” He growled lowly. “Or I might just choose execution now. Save my energy.”

I growled at him.

“Either answer me… Or I kill you. Who sent you to spy on me?”

“NO-“ I started to shout at him but he cut me off.

“Okay… Kill you it is.” And with that he walked out of the room.

Its short but I work all weekend and im ready to get some sleep. Damn people keep calling me to cover their shifts and so I work all the freaking time. What do you think of the chapter? Do you think it was okay? I thought about it all day at work and this is all I could come up with that would make the story do what I want it to do. Lol. Anyways… I heart you all and I will write more as soon as I can. Hope to post by Tuesday


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