PaW The Human

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Warric POV

What the hell? Who is this chick and why are all the boys listening to her like a bunch of pups? What happened while I was gone? I haven't been anything but rude and yell around her, yet she made me a plate? I didn't even get a good look at her last night yet I couldn't stop thinking about her A HUMAN!... And her scent! Oh that delicious smell! My wolf wiggles in excitement at the thought of how she smells. Bad... bad Warric... I shake my head to try and get rid of the thoughts of her.

The look I gave her in the kitchen should have brought her to her knees in submission, like any other human or wolf would have, but she just smiled sweetly at me and made my plate. Bacon, sausage, loaded cheesey eggs, french toast, and fresh fruit. Man can this girl cook! Wait... no. I cant have a human in my house! Our secret would be exposed if she ever found out. I'll just ask Jiro why she is here... Then drive her out. As Alpha and the big brother I need to protect my pack and family. Keep them safe and that is all that matters/

Everyone was just finishing up their breakfast when I hear her sweet voice ask "Who is going to help clean up breakfast?"

"We Will!" I hear Oakley and Hackett shout excitedly. When were they excited about cleaning? Then I heard Gavvine and Garrette groan and start to whine because they wanted to help. I am so confused. Where are my brothers and who the F are these boys sitting in my house!

She smiles her heart stopping smile with her green eyes twinkling and says to them, "Now now loves... you can help me later."

To which they reply with huge grins and they both nod their heads. She stands up and starts gathering plates and I realize what she is wearing. One of the boy's clothes. She walks past me and I smell Gavvine all over her and a little of Gattette. That sends my wolf into a frenzie and I storm out of the dining room and outside to the woods with a ferious growl on my lips doing my best to not shift in front of her. Lets just say I barley made it to the woods... and my clothes didn't make it at all. I just left them shredded just inside the tree line.

Now to run my wolf and try not to think why we are so mad that she, a human, smells like our little brother.


I had been running for hours and I'm starving. I find myself wondering what the girl - I don't even know her name - made for lunch and my mouth starts to water. I shift behind our changing tree that has a spare set of clothes folded in a waterproof duffel bag.

I walk into the house and hear everyone in the livingroom playing one of the many game systems. Probably the X Box. As I walk into the room I see her jumping up and down on the sofa with her controller in the air and doing a victory dance shouting "I won again! Woot Woot!" some of the boys are cheering with her dancing around on the floor. She points to Jiro, Kennard, and Hackett and a mischievous grin lights up her face "You now have to fold EVERYBODY'S laundry! Muah-HAHAHA!"

Jiro groans and gets down on his knees to plead with her "Please, don't make me fold laundry! I agree... you are The King! I'm sorry I doubted you... please I take it back... you aren't just a girl... and you rock at video games!"

She starts to tap her chin as if she was in deep thought but she still has a grin on her face that she is trying to hide. Gavvine, Garrette, and Oakley are rolling on the floor in laughter by now because the other two who lost are on their knees too. What the hell has she done to these boys?! She's gotta go... NOW!

I let out a growl with my Alpha command "JIRO! Get over here now!" Jiro jumps to his feet and rushes over while all the others bow their head in submission.

"You know, you don't have to shout at him. He would have listened if you just asked him. Stop being a crab ass." Her voice isn't mean just disappointed sounding and I can't grasp how she is still standing and looking me in the eye. My wolf has been jumping around inside me ever since I seen her do her victory dance and he is howling and I can't tell if it's in anger of being disrespected or excitement. Stupid wolf.


I stopped here because I wanted to get it up and I wont be on until sunday. Who do you think should be the next POV? Warric and him being all pissy? Or Jiro getting yelled at. If I dont have an answer by sunday then I will just do whatever I can come up with.

Kayla gets home today and I am so excited... I havent seen her since Thanksgiving and I get to see her new baby Brookelyn and my lil man Connor :)

Have a wonderful rest of the week and a totally rockin weekend... Stock up on marshmellos and I will hand out the unicorns

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